Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Get real. They expect him to acknowledge that he is a narcissist and has OCD. And then they will use that acknowledgement to argue against his release in the next hearing. "Well, he admitted that he was a narcissist, and since people with NPD might possibly be a danger to others, we think he should remain at Greystone until he “improves.” (Because we, the staff at Greystone are such wunderkids that we can cure someone of NPD…)

Speaking of delusional… :roll_eyes:



I haven’t posted tor four days, allowing the thread to “go quiet” now that the Krol hearing is done.

But you need to continue to trash the Kanareks, and bring me into it.

The internet meme of sea lioning refers to a harassment technique in which a poster pretends to be civil and earnest but pesters others with incessant questions about proof or sources.

I don’t do that. It doesn’t refer to a question here or there, but incessant questions.

Who was it that asked me 40 times about the police report I never said I read? Who asked IM about the subpoenas on a daily basis when he hadn’t posted in months? Who continued to badger JK about the texts well after the dismissal of the civil suits?

That’s sealioning, according to the internet meme. Well, I guess trubandloki doesn’t really attempt to feign civility or sincerity; but other than that it’s textbook sealioning.

Here’s how I deal with sealioning. I might answer the question, super calmly, one or twice, and ignore the rest.

Here’s how I deal with being accused of sealioning: I ignore it.

Eggbutt- I’ll respond to your gratuitous statement that with IM and seeker banned, I’ve lost “easy access” to my “leaders”.

You’re basically acknowledging that you realize I’m not a family member or paid agent or insider of any type by saying that. The Kanareks are not my “leaders”. But if I were an insider, I’d be communicating by phone, text, or direct email, and losing a PM option via Coth would make zero difference to my “access”, right?

Even you don’t believe your claim you think I’m an insider.



His treatment team gave their diagnosis as narcissistic personality disorder and OCD at the Krol hearing. That’s what the court relied on to deny his release, not on his acknowledgement or denial of his condition.

He would be better able to make progress on his mental issues if he acknowledges the conditions and cooperates with treatment rather then pretending they don’t exist.







I’ve always wanted the best for MB and LK and have been saddened by what happened. I have no hostility or antagonism towards either.

I also think that LE, the prosecutor, the defense, and the mental institutions and staff have all done their jobs in so far as constraints beyond their control have allowed.

I believe antagonizing the people who make the decisions for MB’s welfare is not a viable path forward.

The insurance companies would not have moved the trial to federal court in an effort to settle. They could have entered mediation in New Jersey. They have very good lawyers. They have lots of money. They have time. They have motive. We have an epidemic of shooting. It’s one of the highest if not the highest cause of death for children. They don’t want to pay out for criminal acts or acts that would have been a crime had the shooter not been insane at the time. How long can Dienenger keep this up on his firm’s assets? How long can LO and JH keep MB’s business going?

He needs out and he needs to be working and making money again. He still has bills to pay. Who are the gatekeepers? The young staff at the hospital and the judge. He can’t appeal an NGRI. It’s an acquittal.

Those documents that ekat posted showed a timeline for KROL but the magic words “unless good cause is shown” were there for missing deadlines. Covid. Court shortages. Judge shortages. Staff shortages. I don’t see how he can sue his way out of this predicament.

Ergo, the staff at Greystone and Judge Taylor are his best friends. They are the ones who can help him. They are the last people anyone should antagonize on his behalf if they want him released.

The Kanareks are out of it. The best thing they can do is go be happy. Ride the horses. Celebrate the Florida horse scene. Be happy. Be successful. Enjoy the trainers there. Happiness/success is the best revenge. Forget all this stuff on SM. They have no power over the judge, the hospital staff, or the insurance companies, never have. Victims don’t have rights.

I’ve never seen MB as a victim. He had the power all along to evict her. MHG and Tarshis told him to. LK “disturbed the peace” enough at the barn and house for him to get an emergency eviction. That would have been the sane thing to do but he was not. I do not believe a man of his stature, accomplishments, and background could be driven insane by LK and RG. I think the stressors of the loss of his wife and money and barn manager and income all to divorce along with aging with 7-8 concussions, adjusting to a new love and the potential loss of her, would have a much greater impact. He has people who care about him and he is getting therapy so hopefully he is on his way to getting home sometime in the near future.


I doubt this. NPD and OCD have nothing to do with being a danger to himself or others.

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Wow, reeks of bullsh*t in here.


Oh no are we back to rehash?

Wake me when we are past the point of point blank double tap, please. I am going for an afternoon nap.



I’ll give you a nudge when it circles back to it being all MHG’s fault, k?


Anyway, no one needs my one liners here, so I’ll sea my way out.

I said sea because of sea lions and I’m a corny idiot.


No thanks, I got my bath already today, I don’t need another rinse, lather, repeat.



Aren’t dressage riders a bit OCD? With a dash of NPD?


The term “dressage queen” had to come from somewhere. :joy:


If only someone had a shovel in the back of their truck.


It’s not the patient’s responsibility to validate whatever diagnosis a doctor comes up with. It’s just that persons opinion at a given time. It’s an interesting conundrum, in that a jury decided NGRI, and it’s unlikely they had medical training to come up with the idea that he was insane (whatever that means). So, The State, must save face and come up with “reasons” to hold him. If MB is not receiving medication, it’s a difficult call to say he requires hospitalization at this point. One could also make the case that the incompetence of the doctor/psychologists who are tasked with caring for him are in fact causing more harm. Yes, there are bad clinicians. The goal of incarceration, besides punishment, should be helping someone to integrate and become a functional member of society. I’m not sure when we became a society requiring “struggle sessions” and forced confessions, but it needs to stop.

It’s outrageous that this man is still being held.


Is it jibberish o’clock already?


Yes, the jury determined he was insane at the time be shot her. After consultation with defense lawyers and defense psychiatrists and psychologists, it was MB who asserted that he was not criminally responsible because of his insanity. It was his plea. His defense team worked to establish his insanity to the jury, because they needed to establish it by a preponderance of the evidence.

I agree that he doesn’t need to acknowledge the NPD or the OCD for the purpose of “validating” the treatment team. It is their job to treat him, and his job to cooperate with treatment. It’s often the case that the first step in successfully addressing a problem is to admit to yourself that you have the problem.

I don’t think that denying he has mental illness or denying that he shot someone is helpful to his recovery. It has nothing to do with “validating” the treatment team or expressing remorse to the person he shot. Looking at it purely from the effects on his own mental healing, I think refusing to acknowledge the mental conditions or the shooting is detrimental to his progress.


Can I interest you in an adult beverage? I have an ice cold Greyhound in the fridge I’d share.


Is he saying “I didn’t shoot her” or "I don’t remember shooting her’. There is a difference.