Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I don’t know about anyone else but I am so full from word salad that I don’t think I need any dinner.



I’m full and I haven’t eaten yet today. I thought it was the heat…


I am pleased to announce the Ignore feature is working perfectly at this time.


Absolutely!! I’m feeling like having a drink in MBs memory of his continuing incarceration. So I’ll have a Slow Uncomfortable Screw.


With respect to problems like addiction it’s 100% appropriate to admit to a problem. However, in this case, MB doesn’t have memory of what happened, so it’s better to move on. The pressure to confess to something he doesn’t remember is traumatic, and it’s no wonder he feels stuck. He’s not getting adequate treatment, and to say otherwise is disingenuous.


Its definitely not therapeutic to say you need to confess to something that was not proven. Actually might considered torture.


We don’t know what he is telling them. If he keeps on about how scary they were before the shooting and how scary that was but doesn’t acknowledge that Tarshis and MHG were telling him to evict her and hindsight what a better idea that was than what he was told he did (I believe he doesn’t remember shooting her), then that leaves everyone stuck in place. To show he is no longer a danger, it would seem he would need to acknowledge he had choices regardless of his memory. I don’t know if mental illness is ever especially curable to the point of going away, it’s just possible to have medication or ways to better process the world and function through a brain that doesn’t function similarly to the majority of other brains. Coping skills.

If he doesn’t remember the shooting, that means he doesn’t have first hand knowledge of the shooting.

But, as he said on 48 Hours when asked if he understood that he had shot LK, he responded, “I’ve been told I did”.

Even without being there to witness it first hand, the prosecutor, the defense attorneys, the psychologists, the jury and those of us who watched the trial understand that be shot and nearly killed LK.

Even if a memory comes to him years later, memories can be faulty. His understanding of what he did needs to come from understanding all the evidence and the outcome of the trial.

He has mental issues. If he does understand that his mental issues resulted in his shooting someone four years ago, he has not come to terms with his mental problems and remains dangerous.

The fact that he doesn’t remember the shooting is not an excuse for refusing to acknowledge that he shot someone. Again, the important thing is that he acknowledge it to himself, not to LK or the courts.

I really don’t feel like slogging through drama…. Sorry. What was the result of the hearing? Last I looked here, the judge was to have his decision Wednesday.

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Boy will I welcome her when she strikes hard.


If you want to know updates and not read threads then go read the Go Fund Me.


Wow thank you! I’ll just google. Sorry I asked.


I am not sure what you are upset about.
The most up to date information is on the Go Fund Me page.

I thought you wanted the most up to date information, with out reading the thread.


I’m not upset and I apologize for making you upset because clearly you enjoy threads like this.

I don’t have that link so I started reading from where I left off (which was the day of the hearing) and couldn’t make it to the update. Clearly you have followed along and could have just told me no decision or the decision is this.

Instead you decide to get passive aggressive because I don’t find rehashing things with the same three posters fun.


No release for MB at this time. Next Krol hearing is in November.

That’s so messed up. And thank you for answering my question.


MB will be getting access to day trips and hopefully overnights.


“I’ve been told that I did” is accurate.

Yup, I’m OCD


Honestly I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m so sad for him and his friends and family.


Me too.