Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Um…nope. I’m experienced in plotting narcissists. My vote is frame job.


6 more months

Oh! CH beat me to it.

Apparently some folks on this thread are forgetting this:

All 4 doctors were very clear that the delusional disorder is in complete remission, and he shows no depressive disorder…

That would be his own doctor (Hasson) and the three mental health specialists that have seen him at Greystone. It seems that the only “mental condition” they say he is suffering right now is NPD and OCD. And the Greystone docs - with their combined grand total of nine years of experience - think that means he is too mentally ill to release. (Where did those yahoos go to school, anyway?) :roll_eyes:





Private in patient care was suggested at the first Krol hearing by Michael’s team and Judge Taylor did not go for it.


And, isn’t that the same side of the process that insisted that Michael was not mentally ill during the whole trial?


I seem to remember Taylor implying he was faking.


Why should he do that if he does not remember doing it?


There are at least nine frequent posters here who have a vested interest in seeing that Michael Barisone be treated fairly and in general search out verifiable information - most of which is not posted here to prevent the provocative debate and sealioning questions. All of us are committed to wondering what happened that day and in the absence of ANY forensic evidence proving the events of the day, I will support and encourage Barisone’s mental health quest at the most appropriate facility for him, not the state and not the Kanareks. Until guidelines are followed to the letter, there will be strong push back against Greystone and Taylor’s court. Those here who know LK or know anyone firsthand who has experienced her behavior certainly carry more weight here than some total stranger playing games on their keyboard and Google.


I support and encourage MBs mental health quest, even though, like the jury, I think it’s abundantly clear what happened that day.

You and I are diametrically opposed in our opinions as to whether continued denial of his role in the shooting is advantageous or detrimental to his mental health.

I applaud your efforts to put pressure in Greystone to provide appropriate treatment. Barisone cooperating with the treatment would probably also help.

I fail to see how continuing to bash LK or the Kanareks helps anyone, including MB.

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No. The treatment team at Greystone is not the same as the expert witnesses for the prosecution at the trial.

I was not being unclear or obtuse.
I was talking about Schelly and Judge T.


I’d never admit it if I don’t remember doing it ESPECIALLY on the word of proven liars and punks.



If they’re going to start holding people in mental health facilities because they’re narcissistic, they better get building, and training staff.

Cause I’m sure it can be said that a huge percentage of people these days have narcissistic tendencies.


Absolutely agree


Proven liars and punks like the jury, and his own lawyers and doctors? (Sarcasm)

I can see not admitting prior to the trial. Not admitting it (to himself) after the trial is a whole ‘nother thing.

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Ok CH.
So l will entertain you for a nano secord here.

Let’s get in the time machine and go way back to RG on the stand, where he said that LK ran around the house.

When LK was on the stand she got out of the witness booth took her shoes off did her little dance in a circle for everyone to see. Then proceeded to sit down and said oh no I mean ran around in like my mind.

Now tell me how that is abundantly clear to you on what really happened?

Because to me, it sounded like two grifters who couldn’t remember their story line.

Now take you time, and no don’t ask me to provide you with a graph, map. Etc.

I am well prepared for you to try and pull out one of your two cards if not both.

A. I don’t have to answer you
B. You’re a “mean girl”

Of course either one of those answers I fear will speak volumes, but I am just a horse of course.



I have plenty of very successful and valued friends who have narcissistic tendencies and OCD tendencies. I tend towards anxiety and depression myself. If they see a need to lock us all up, due to common personality differences, they’d better get building!

Also, my finger is getting tired from scrolling past sea lions, so I’m off to the beach to see the real thing.


Would you be willing to admitting something you have zero recollection you did or even whether you did the deed without forensic evidence, video, reputable eye witnesses? Of course you will say you would because you can’t admit the average person would not. You have to pick up the slack of others and become the antagonist I suppose. Your constant “he has to admit what he did” is extremely tiresome…trust me, everyone knows what you think and why. Give it a rest.

Bashing Kanareks…I’m sure you approve of all their recent and past actions. I don’t and will always call them out.


Google Go Fund Me Michael Barisone you will get all the updates with out the blather. I don’t think anyone meant to imply otherwise