Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Perhaps you need to rewind your head movie and watch it again.


You don’t get to speak for those of us that watched the trial.

I, having watched it, saw liars and grifters who slouched, squirmed and failed to get any cohesion to their story of events.

What I did not see, was actual evidence to convince me of your oft and tirelessly repeated “he shot her”.


I’d bet a stack of money that he either did not shoot her or that she was shot in self defense. I do not for a second believe he was the aggressor.

He has no record, no history of being the aggressor. But someone else does. TWICE.


If I had zero memory of a violent act that I was on trial for, I could not move forward in life without an understanding of what happened.

If a jury found the evidence supported that I committed the act while delusional, and my lawyers and doctors also had that view, I would admit to myself that I committed the act.

I think JK and KK had every right to attend the Krol hearing. When there was no word from LO and you posted bashing judge Taylor, I guessed the outcome but also appreciated IM coming on to let us know the outcome. He refrained from providing any details or commentary on the decision, understanding that LO would want to put her spin on it.

Awww how sad that they can’t.


Did you listen to the verdict being read?

That’s not really a problem for you, given that you’re not in a psychiatric hospital as a consequence of pleading NGRI to attempted murder.

That’s my point. Before he was banned, IM gave the bare bones of the decision (another Krol hearing in 6 months) but refrained from providing details or spin. He was leaving that to LO.

And did you appreciate IM calling everyone a lair, Insulting posters with foul language, saying the text messages were entered into evidence were doctored by a lawyer, and shall I go on?

If you think that is ok, I really think you need to do some self evaluation.

And just how I wonder do you know that IM wanted to leave out details so LO could put her spin on it.

Oops. I think you dun dare messed up there CH.

But I am just a horse of course


Um, right…

Are you saying that LO puts a “spin” on things, therefore implying she isn’t telling it as it is? Are you saying that IM is more credible than LO?

Fastinating that you know that he was “leaving that to LO.”


Also then not your problem as facts are apparently so very burdensome to your psyche.

But you seem tough enough. Perhaps with some thoughts and prayers you too can get through this uncertain time where your illogical conclusions and faux legal concepts burden you so.


He gave a fake, incorrect report.


Sending thoughts and prayers!


OMG, Orwell was right!


If she’d just PM one of us and tell us her problems maybe we could find her help.


“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”


What a concept!


I’m not an insider of any kind. How could IM be unaware that his spin on the hearing would not be welcome in this group? Duh.

IM stated from the outset, or at least as early as I was participating on the threads, that his motivation for participating in these threads was to counter lies told about LK and his family.

I assume he does think Eggbutt is telling lies, and doesn’t like it. I’m pretty numb to “foul language” at this point, given the insults directed at me. I was pretty shocked by the claim they Deininger doctored the texts, so I’m not sure what to think about that. My opinion of Deininger not very high, though.

Sorry I am not buying that bridge and I am not a fan of tap dancing, but you do you with the back peddling

Oh btw the name of this thread isn’t the CH show, just an fyi, but thoughts and prayers to you.



Well, IM’s spin is not always welcomed because it’s usually murky in respect to the truth and a tad hostile at times.

I can see why IM would want to counter argue in favor of his family, that’s a fairly natural thing to do. I would say counter lies, but not all if it was lies. Just because you don’t like the information, that doesn’t make it a lie.