Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Thanks for mentioning that. I will be interested to learn if 48 Hours covers MB’s movie and book offers.


Oh, that should get the Kanarakian panties in a twist. But, I guess not on this board, it won’t. (snigger)


Maybe that explains the recent outbursts to pattern.


I think it has to do with the fact that all the doctors said that the delusions were in remission. And the book deal.

Those delusions were what made him “dangerous” and everyone knows it……


I would guess that the mention of possible book and/or movie deals from MB’s perspective would be an upsetting revelation to the Ks. Not only could that mean MB is earning income from what occurred, but they will be powerless to control the work’s tone and point of view. They might stomp and scream and threaten, but if carefully written, they’re out of luck. That’s especially true if the storyline is slightly fictionalized, where it’s based on a true story but certain elements are altered, ala Law and Order episodes.


Um, what? Have not caught up but wanted to correct this. NG is always an option for the jury. You can see that in the verdict with respect to RG. Insanity was one of the possible defenses put forward but NG was still an option for the jury verdict. Perhaps having the option of NGRI was a good way for the jury to come to a decision and avoid a hung jury outcome, but we don’t know exactly what went on on deliberations except that if they could have come to unanimous decision on NG they would have.


I think self defense was not an option because there was no evidence to support it, especially with the minimal forensic evidence.

The only narrative was from LK and RG and many of us don’t believe them.

Would NG have to be unanimous?


Yes, any verdict has to be unanimous.

There was considerable evidence that MB armed himself with a loaded gun and drove over to the farmhouse with it. Even if we don’t believe the exact details of what happened physically when MB “interacted” with LK and RG, the fact that MB was the one who showed up with the gun makes a self defense claim very difficult. Further, it’s an affirmative defense, so the defense has the burden to establish that it was self defense by a preponderance of the evidence.

If the defense thought they could prevail with the self defense claim, they would not have pled NGRI.


You are correct, apologies. Wishful thinking on my part, I guess.


They were denied self defense by the judge.


To be fair without any evidence to back him up “It was self defense but I don’t remember” probably was a non starter


They were denied self defense because they presented no evidence supporting it. The judge explained that patiently and professionally.


Barisone entered two pleas - NG by reason of self defense and NGRI. He was permitted to plead NG by reason of self defense. He was permitted to provide evidence that it was self defense.

As an affirmative defense, it was the burden of the defense to establish that it was self defense by a preponderance of the evidence. There was evidence that MB drove over to the farmhouse with a loaded gun. MB declined to testify.

The judge did not permit Bilinkas to argue self defense to the jury in his summation given that Bilinkas had not provided any evidence that big was self defense. The judge did not prevent Bilinkas from presenting evidence of self defense.

There was no evidence that it was self defense, and considerable evidence that MB was the aggressor. The defense did not meet its burden that is was self defense.

Hey, Greystone psychs testified that it’s insanity to keep re-litigating the case…



The donkey said to the tiger:

  • “The grass is blue”.

The tiger replied:

  • “No, the grass is green.”

The discussion heated up, and the two decided to submit him to arbitration, and for this they went before the lion, the King of the Jungle.

Already before reaching the forest clearing, where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey began to shout:

  • “His Highness, is it true that the grass is blue?”.

The lion replied:

  • “True, the grass is blue.”

The donkey hurried and continued:

  • “The tiger disagrees with me and contradicts and annoys me, please punish him.”

The king then declared:

  • “The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence.”

The donkey jumped cheerfully and went on his way, content and repeating:

  • “The Grass Is Blue”…

The tiger accepted his punishment, but before he asked the lion:

  • “Your Majesty, why have you punished me?, after all, the grass is green.”

The lion replied:

  • “In fact, the grass is green.”

The tiger asked:

  • “So why are you punishing me?”.

The lion replied:

  • "That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green.

The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that come and bother me with that question."

The worst waste of time is arguing with the fool and fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that don’t make sense…

There are people who, no matter how much evidence and evidence we present to them, are not in the capacity to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not.

When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent. Your peace and quiet are worth more. ❤️



That’s the point. Team Barisone was not allowed to plead self defense. Now imagine what YOU would do if you knew you didn’t have murder on your mind but things went down and to you, if you did pull the trigger, it must have been because you were jumped.

Certainly not beyond the pale as LK did shoot at her “love” and did have numerous other altercations according to her beefy arrest record.

So they had to puck the next best thing. We’ve been over this a thousand times.

Also self defense was denied early on and not in summation to my memory.


Plus that pesky plan to harm Barisone and others that was revealed in discovery……only the judge wouldn’t allow the jury to consider it……


At least.


Plus no one was supposed to be in the house AT ALL and that was the last information Barisone had about the house.


Except he cleared the office to get the Ruger and took it with him so it seems as though he did know.

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