Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Sure…if she wants to get sued for distributing illegal recordings. The crime was taking them and violating his privacy.

As for MB, well, I think he’s allowed to release them if he wants. The recordings are of him after all and he can share what he said privately to someone else any time he wants. One of the lawyers can weigh in more.

Oh, and I’m not sure I’d count on anything being stylized as fictional in any way either…I’m sure there is a lot we didn’t see.


Sure. I’d PAY to go see a movie according to LK.

That would be a riot to see her twisted, narcissist version of reality put to film!

The reaction by the public would be priceless.

The legal fallout would be fun to watch too!


I wonder which version of events she will chose to use? I’d love to see Taylor and Schellhorn’s face after watching her film! :sweat_smile:

I am surprised no juror has spoken out publicly to our knowledge. I’d really like to know what their discussions were while deliberating and then how they felt after the smarmy attorney called them insane - twice.


They can be interviewed, now, can’t they?


I think they could be interviewed any time after the trial was over. If they wanted the attention.


The guy who’s blue, weighs 400 pounds and is nigh indestructible? Yes, I know that Tick!


Yes! My favourite bit player was Sarcastro. :rofl:


Aww man, here I was hoping you were talking about the tv series starring Patrick Warburton, Nestor Carbonell and Liz Vassey.

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Catching up. But just wow. Were those comments posted on COTH? And by whom - Ms. Lollypop or Mr. Poppypop?

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They were on Facebook and maybe Twitter as well. Posts were made under her account and the one she made for her infantile man-servant.


[quote=“LexInVA, post:1111, topic:785728, full:true”]

Thanks, I thought that kind of nasty insinuation sounded more like LK - although Daddio has shown himself to also have a tendency to get down into the gutter with highly offensive comments (some of which are downright actionable).

What a family. :roll_eyes:


If I remember correctly, when it was revealed that MB had book and movie offers, IM responded with something like LK had a hundred offers for every one offer MB got. Not only did that sound ludicrous, it came across as something a first-grader would use to taunt another child on the playground. Classic infantile one-upmanship.

In reality, I cannot imagine that a book or movie told from LK’s perspective would gain any traction. Sure, someone can pen a screenplay, and lord knows anyone can write a “book” these days. But marketing it and selling it… that’d be tough. As the trial revealed, LK is not a sympathetic character. While MB may be a flawed protagonist— all humans are flawed in some manner— what occurred to him could serve as a cautionary tale on several levels. I think an audience would identify with the trajectory of his character, and ultimately sympathize with his plight.


Why would the parent of an adult (well into adulthood,pushing on middle age) be so involved in that adult’s life that they would have “hundreds of texts” with someone said adult had a business relationship with? I have adult sons and would never even consider inserting myself into their adult lives like that.


Well, if you’re the one who has to make all the financial arrangements with the money that comes “from the bank…” :thinking:


“Oh yeah? Well, my daddy can beat your daddy!” :laughing:

I would love to say I agree whole-heartedly with you but Hollywood et al has repeatedly shown its own ability to get down in the gutter. All it would take is one screenwriter, and one director, and one producer getting schmoozed by the K’s to turn out a film that demonizes MB and sympathizes with poor little Miss Lollypop. And the average viewer who doesn’t know much about the situation will swallow that sludge. :roll_eyes:

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Not sure a production team would touch illegally recorded conversations with a 10 foot pole. And LK’s threat to sue 48 Hours will also make them hesitate. Plus, with LK dropping her civil suit, there would be a focus on why someone who portrays herself as an uber-victim would do that, so production might go in a direction LK would rather they not go into.

I just don’t see a production centered on LK being the victim coming to fruition any time soon. Like, ever.

And we saw what happens when LK and MB put their versions out there. The 48 Hours episode comment section was a real doozy.Spoiler alert, LK lost (again) in the court of public opinion.


Sane. I am a sane kind of person. If I don’t like the services a professional is delivering, if I feel like my needs aren’t getting met? I leave. Because I am sane.


There conversations, where she can re-run the “script”, is the souvenir that she can use to replay over and over again to get that rush of dopamine.



Funny, in the original thread there was great sympathy for the shooting victim. That all went away when the victim started unhinged rants on FB and this forum. She kept up with the cray cray and even when people like myself tried to remain fair and empathetic, she sent me and others doing the same, nasty, threatening PMs.

If she had just kept her fingers off her devices, completely, she would be viewed very differently. But no, 30K pages of nasty SM.


Her threats to people were way unhinged.