Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I’m here to discuss the Barisone KROL. Then, there is the side issue of the Barisone book and movie deal. I hope that works out for him.


Michael is the star. What we cannot get over, and talk about, is how much crap he had to deal with. It’s the stuff of fiction in real life.

Trying to use a bridle that doesn’t belong to you and being told no isn’t very exciting fodder.

But, it’s okay. LK comes out better than most storybook villains….


While I feel the exact same way, it sounds like there were a lot of people who did watch Tiger King. And a lot of people seem to watch those horrible shows about people like the Kardashians and their ilk.

So it’s hard to predict what kind of train wreck show will draw people, even if it’s only to feel like their own lives look pretty sane by comparison.


Much like the 48 hours episode where LK thought she found a new bestie initially and then was mad at how the Kanerwrecks look in the light of day, I suspect any movie involving her, in any capacity, will have the same impact.


I hear you. My trainwreck of choice is “Nailed It!”


Bestie to lawsuit seems to be a bit of a pattern there.


I would watch it if it included:

Her history of not showing up for lessons and/or being late.
Her history of not showing up to horse shows and/or missing her class.
Her not knowing/keeping track of what class/judge was happening.
The fact that she could/would not abide by the barn hours.

Oh, I forgot:
Left the property when it became apparent that she should.


The only thing I want to see from the LK side is the recordings… actually, no, scratch that. In the amount of time they have failed to produce them, who knows that they’ve done to them? I would only watch an investigative journalism episode or read a book from the MB side as we haven’t heard from him in 4 years.


Forgive me for displaying such uncouth behavior. Admittedly, there are times when I feel compelled to incorporate my mockery of El Maestro into my shared media postings. :wink: :smile:


Whether deals are offered to MB or to LK or to both, I agree that MB is the pivotal character, or star, if you prefer.

But the dramatic appeal of his story is sort of like the dramatic appeal of the Titanic. Here is someone who was an athlete at the very top of his profession — he was on an Olympic team, was charismatic, successful financially, had tons of friends and supporters and a young, beautiful girlfriend, and lost it all.

If “MB’s story” is told and exploited tor dramatic or sensationalist purposes, there will inevitably be roles played by the other principals— LK, RG, MHG, RC. I think the story is tragedy through and through. None of these people would come out looking good. Well, maybe LO would emerge as a heroine of sorts, tor stepping up to close up the farm and support MB after the shooting.

I cannot imagine how even contemplating a movie or book on this tragedy could do anything other than make MBs situation worse while he is at Greystone. If you were genuine supporters, I would think you’d be concentrating on supporting MBs treatment and release from Greystone rather than salivating over the prospect of commercializing his situation.


Ooooh the person who defends lalalala is scolding US on defending someone and how we’re supporting him.

Like us all, I shall go pout now that I’ve been shown the error of my ways.


I think a great psychological thriller could be made which started out from LK’s perspective and as the movie progressed, the truth is revealed to the viewer bit by bit until the viewer realizes how twisted a plot LK laid to FTB. Much like the journey many of us made who started reading these threads.

One of the saddest things about this situation for me is that the truth about what happened that day is known only by two people, one of whom testified that she lies, who may have a strong motive for preventing the truth to be known. MB may have to go through his life without knowing whether or not he shot someone. Even if you interpret the NGRI verdict as the jury having found he shot LK, it is not actual proof that he did. Aside from the testimony from two impeached witnesses there was only, IMHO, weak circumstantial evidence that he even had the gun.


This sentence should be read over and over by those who simply fail to consider anything objectively!

(bolding mine)


I guess we shall see.
IM wasn’t lying. IM doesn’t lie.
Eggbutt belongs at Greystone if she honestly believes anyone ever mentions her at all. The only person wishing Eggbutt were mentioned to anyone, is Eggbutt. It took a grand 2 minutes to prove who she is & that is bc everyone knew she outed herself at some point. All it took was searching her own name IRL and only one search matched. Her own. Otherwise, she’s meaningless.

The audios are out there. Who knows who put them there? Certainly not me. Maybe we will never know, but they are now fair use & any media outlet could and would love to play them. We only have 99 more email screenshots of movie/tv/book deals to post. Seeing as though IM stated earlier, “For every movie/book deal MB gets, LK gets 100.” One down. Although, you will like the other screenshots some are willing to post even less. Too bad.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


No names, no proof….conveniently.


Guess it’s time for the floor show.


Interesting choice of names, taken from a bad movie. Kelevra means bad dog in Hebrew, so have we finally gotten to Rosie posting here, now that the rest of the Kanareks are banned?


Poor Rosie.


Rosie, can you settle something for me? If MB was face down when RG on top of him after he allegedly shot LK, how exactly did he get the bite on his left groin in the front? We all suspect you bit him prior to the shooting, but you can settle all doubts if you come clean here.