Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Somebody must be needing attention.


Meanifesto coming.


Now, about those doctored texts. Let’s work backwards. This should suit many of you quite well.
Pay attention to the dates. Very strange for LK & crew to alert the trainer they are returning a generator they bought, which they “didn’t even need,” if the movie in your head is composed of a narrative wherein LK was going to “take out,” anything not still sitting in a truck at the time. Why take a generator out of a truck or box if one comes home to find the power is back on?

Seems a futile chore. And, a non-refundable purchase. IM was here to call out the liars. This now includes attorneys who redact full texts. They tend to do that when the content redacted maybe devastating to their case. It was. Probably why 2 defendants settled. “Immediately following a very specific filing, for very specific info,” (paraphrasing IM here.)

Don’t worry, KM, the editor here believes Ambitious Kate to be her most troublesome, headache causing poster. Not you. Again, paraphrased & my interpretation only. You are just a vacuum while a horse is just a horse, of course, correct?

Hooley Dooley


Delusional is not a religious choice you know.


Free entertainment I guess yawn


Ok, ok. I’ll come clean. My owner made a very loud noise when he dove into the laundry room avoiding a bullet to his head. I’m afraid of guns, I admit, but my owner was being murdered! My mommy was bleeding really badly! I didn’t want daddy dying too, so I tried my doggy darndest to pull him away from the big scary man! They were on the floor and the smelly man, wearing his bestest red shirt would not release the noise maker which almost killed my mommy.

I like eating jeans sometimes. And every kind of pants! They never hurt me back like the cats I play with sometimes, & they’re fun to chew! I do sometimes confuse them, though. I wanted to pull daddy away from the man with the pink & black noisy thing! It was just so hard to tell which pants were which! I guess I chewed them both and ran away! Daddy couldn’t catch me when the blue men came, I was terrified. I barked & barked & barked! Daddy calmed me down and put me in behind the door again. I couldn’t see him anymore! I wanted to see my daddy! I have a good daddy.

The day before, a crinkly old lady tried coming in my house! As she crept up the all the stairs, ducking from the window, I heard all the humans outside yelling, “DO NOT GO UP THERE!” I didn’t let her in. Im a great dog, I protect my parents. ~ Rosie

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CoTHsquatch just can’t stay evicted.

The need to be here, irrestible.


Oh, the Places You Will Go.



When y’all relentlessly and endlessly talk trash about people and then act shocked when they respond…:woman_facepalming:t3:


So you admit you know this poster is the subject of some conversation on this thread?


Why yes, of course, the poster outed herself. It’s Rosie. :roll_eyes:


Who apparently also lies….


Rosie’s IP would be banned. Got banned with LK. So you’re saying you have knowledge of a banned IP coming under a pseudonym?


Not everyone was banned.


If Rosie lives with LK it was.


Appropriately named Kelevra “bad dog.” Bad bitey dog, indeed. It’s pretty difficult to bite the front of a man’s jeans while he’s face down on the ground with another man on top of him. Biting both men and RC, well, that’s a heck of a bite history.


I’m Rosie. I’ve heard I’ve been discussed from some my other doggy friends here IRDL. Grandpa Inigo just laughs & laughs & laughs whenever he reads this horse page. He loves throwing me a bone! He said he’s thrown the horse page people enough bones already. More for me, yay!