Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Rosie is a vicious dog with a bite history that should cause her to be put to sleep.

Though, you’re getting older now so you probably don’t have much time anyway.



Rosie protected her home and protected her owners. Good dog Rosie!

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Typical. Plus doesn’t even understand what exclusivity means, also typical. Nobody cares, Lauren. Not really.


From a cop?


Yea I wouldn’t want a cat-attacking, human biting dog on my farm. Old Rosie is up pretty late. Maybe she chewed on something from mommy and daddy’s medicine cabinet.


I’m 7. Before mommy and daddy rescued me, the bad people threw me into chairs and walls. I would never let anyone hurt my mommy & daddy. I never know who is bad and who is good. It’s all so confusing when playing outside. Im always on my ground leash, except at my house. There, I can run & run wherever I want, inside and outside!

Mommy & Daddy even have a great big sign just for me! It says, “BEWARE OF DOGS- KEEP OUT.” Mommy says if anyone breaks through the gate where they’ve been sufficiently warned, my behavior towards the trespasser is all up to me! I think I’ll live a very long life. Im small, healthy & get my cardio in everyday. How bout you, KM? No cardio?

Poor Lil wasted puppy.


It was Barisone’s home. LK, RG and Rosie were supposed to have been tossed out. Besides, the testimony was that RC was bit entering the house, not the apartment.


Wasn’t her home. Nobody went in their apartment. If it was my farm I would have had the dog put down after it bit the first person.


The police officer said she was a small dog and he shook her off his boot. His gun was drawn so had she appeared to be a threat, there would have been yet another tragedy.

Why all the doggie hate. If LK had a pet bunny, someone would be calling it the were rabbit.

Oh wait, it’s a video of LK’s pet bunny.


Dog bit a cop. While cop was performing his duty. Can’t excuse it away.

Vicious dogs put to sleep.


You care. Ohhhh. You are one of the sad people who type on the bright things on this very page, every waking moment of your human life. I can share my chew toy with you and then you can have a real life! I’ll share! But only bc I know you care. My chew toy will care about you back! It loves me! If I share my chew toy, someone or something will then love you, too!

Start with one.

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Poor lil wasted vacuum.

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Why would someone evicted go through all the trouble to come back? Do we occupy a huge space? Why care?

One should know when to go when they are unwanted. Surely that lesson has been learned by now?


Leaving when not welcome is not a strong point, apparently.


Y’all seriously talk about them every chance and now act like they aren’t wanted? The Kanareks are your reason for getting up in the morning. This is too funny.


No. Mommy & Daddy have a video of my heroics that day. Old lady entered my house. My house had 15 stairs to run up and down from the laundry room to our little apartment. Old lady climbed & climbed until she reached the top. That was my territory, not hers. The loud humans outside all agreed. Mommy & Daddy weren’t home. I showed old creepy lady the way back down all those stairs. Who knows what she might’ve done to mommy & daddies apartment when she thought the building people and blue men couldn’t see her. They could. But I saw her first. Don’t come in unless my parents invite you. I’m little. And, I am loyal.

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Like it’s hard?

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I’m kind of worried about you if you don’t see how demented this behavior is. Who does this?


Like it’s weird. And pathetic.

And rather sad.

And you think it makes you clever.