Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

[quote=“SlevinKelevra7, post:1218, topic:785728, full:true”]

I see no accomplishment. I see nothing but weakness.


It is 3:30 a.m. over there on the east coast.

So very sad.

So unnecessary.


Brilliant! /s
A Rasin told my mommy you were not! She lied! That was a hard hitting fast ball! Knocked right outta my park! May AmbitiousKate forever be known for her mad rhyming skills! Do it again! I’ll go fetch! Did the ball land in a park? Like, Greystone Park? Doggies like me aren’t allowed in there.

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Even dogs can tell time. But, thanks for the info! I’m hanging with my mutt cousin, Rue. We see each other so little. She’s waiting for her mommy to wake up so we can do the thing we promised! As I said, dogs are loyal. We heard Grandpa Inigo discussing full texts! He’s not as gifted as we pups with human technology, so it’s left to the animals. Bed time for you Smoooofox. Bed time for you is long overdue. You’re tired.

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Whoa!!! You can see anything at all from inside a vacuum? This dog is impressed!

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I guess I should have said, it was rather foreword of you!! :rofl:


Not unlike “Single White Female”.


Did I miss 99 other deals/offers? Maybe I need to refresh the screen? :thinking:

Also, if MB received multiple offers, are we not waiting on several hundred more screenshots? :face_with_monocle:


Oh for the love of Secretariat…

I guess the old saying is true, You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

But I am just a horse of course.


So now he/she/it is ‘revealing’ things @Moderator_1 has told them via non-public communications? Or at least their interpretation of what Mod1 has told them. This seems to be trying to illustrate a chummy, chatty relationship with the Kanareks and Mod1 in which Mod1 says unflattering things about frequent posters here.

While I doubt the veracity of this report, as I doubt the veracity of literally everything these people write or say, even under oath, I’m sure Mod1 will not appreciate being ‘outed’ this way come morning. Even if Mod1 did attempt to be friendly with them at some point, I’m sure she regrets it now - and perhaps has for some time.


SK7, tedious…


I can not be the only one who finds the word choice here to be interesting. Wasted.
Hmmm, like those drugs your humans use wasted?




Hey Rosie, These two consecutive sentences can not both be true.

Did you not see what your FATHER owner’s father posted here the other day that was part of the reason for the recent banning of him and your MOTHER owner’s mother? Because he said that lots of people are talking about Eggbutt.


I don’t think she got an offer. She probably made that up too.


Is anyone else amused that she posts on 6/6? The anniversary of the first day of D-Day (which actually went on for WEEKS - thank the battleships for holding off the German tanks from being able to get to the coast. They kept the German forces inland and they couldn’t reinforce the Atlantic Wall).

There are much better and longer articles elsewhere on the web, but these will do.


Haven’t we been warned repeatedly NEVER to trust ‘redacted texts’ and insist on seeing the full text in context in order to have it mean anything?

That text up there is pretty durned redacted. :thinking:


So, if MHG is Allie and Lauren is Hedy - who will play them in the remake of Single White Female inspired by the Barisone case? They need to be older and in the case of the actress to play Lauren, MUCH older than the one who will play Allie.

I think I’m up to $30 for June and I still owe $10 for my May balance. I’ll address that by the end of the week.


Since Rosie’s age was brought up, I think it’s germane to post these. She and her owner are roughly the same age. Rosie may be more mature though, despite the posts. June to date - $40

It’s always nice when a klafte speaks up.


Just when you think the Kanawrecks can’t get any more deranged… Wow.


And this concludes our late night floor show appearances. Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of “As The Stomach Turns”.

Will the mystery email be un-redacted?
Will Slevin be banned?
What substance caused the tirade?

Stay tuned…