Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I do not know and since they are all banned including the family dog, I have no idea how to find out. Hmmm, maybe there is an update. @haleybot recently posted something about it still being open, I think in the DHH thread.

Just want to make sure you realize that GirlJoey and Haleybot are two different people.


What will it take for you and the Kanareks to admit their guilt? Their collusion and conspiracy? When will they stop their self destructive behavior and move on? Sounds to me as though they are trying to actually prove their guilt and involvement by constantly posting denials/lies/innuendos and getting others to fight their battles. Exactly what is it they need to prove if Barisone is guilty? Why the almost constant BS? It seems there are very, very few who believe their stories and the incredibly inappropriate posting on an obscure horse forum certainly does them no favor. No one believes them.


I said I could smell the meth from here, in regards to her postings. Must have hit a nerve. Oh, just before she showed up HH started getting upset with me. I think I said no one wants to watch her story. It was funny how upset HH was getting.


I feel so bad for Mod 1. Having to ban a dogā€™s account. What is happening here? Maybe now we can get back to normal disucssions. I guess some people will go to any measure to chime in here. Yikes! :laughing:


@eggbutt, youā€™re the one who constantly brings up the Kanareks in these threads, despite the fact that their roles in the Barisone saga are over now that the criminal and civil trials are over.

You bring them up, blame them for Barisoneā€™s current circumstances, then act outraged when they respond to your provocation.

Why donā€™t you try quitting your constant provocation?

I donā€™t think youā€™re capable of quitting the provocation and letting it go.

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And about last nightā€¦ :eyes:.


Wait, what??? I am the one who posted off the wall BS last night or a week or so ago? Seriously? Every single time the threads begin to wind down here, one of them comes along and ramps them back up. And, by the way, you love it. The only reason you continue to target me for their poor behavior is to gain their supportive attention. Period. Your game is awfully transparent to many of us here.


Iā€™ll agree with you when I see a poster named ā€œEggbuttā€™s Dogā€ piloted by an otherwise banned Eggbutt.

Until then youā€™re peeing against the wind as far as Iā€™m concerned.


Yes and I think @haleybot, not GirlJoey, is the one that is actively trying to subpoena LK but that is from other posters so that could be incorrect.

And it gets you wet. LOL


yep. Its just a matter of time before another flimsy alter appears. Maybe we should be honored that they like playing with us so very much?

Its like how a 2nd grade boy teases and annoys a girl in class he likes, but he lacks to EIQ to actually tell her that - so he decides that negative attention is better than nothing. I think we are the Kanarecksā€™ unrequited crush :heart_eyes: CH & HH just get jealous.


There you go. Lol


The post you quoted clearly says GirlJoey. So it makes no rational sense to drag another person into this thread.


Yes I think that was the conversation before Lauren showed up. She wanted to prove she had book offers, so she showed a redacted message from an agent she hired to shop her story around, pawning it off as a movie offer. Sad.

Judging by global comments throughout social and news media, NO ONE wants to see a pro LK production. People generally want justice to be served.

Last nightā€™s little soiree will make an EXCELLENT addition to Barisoneā€™s edition however.

I suspect one would have to be a paid minion to publicly support any LK psycho-version. No one believes her. No one does weirdness like this IMO.


Maybe the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of Jonathan and Kirby will show some grace, class, wit, talent and capacity for hard work, delayed gratification and success in some honorable and meaningful fashion.


Wow what a game going on here folks.

Looks like the starting line up got benched and the coach had to send in the second string.

:football: :popcorn:

But I am just a horse of course.


Seriously, weā€™ve gotten it all, their tall tales, for freeā€¦ Ad nauseamā€¦ for four years.

People want to hear from MB, who has wisely been mostly silent throughout. Maybe the masses wish to hear from him moreso because heā€™s not been heard from.
A la ā€œIf you want to capture someoneā€™s attention, whisper.ā€ā€¦ Better yet, stay silent

If you want to hear from the KKlanā€¦ just wait five minutes.



I think they want to prove that they can, at least for a short while.

Do they have a cat?

