Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I don’t think anyone outside of a Lifetime audience would care to see any version of this saga, personally.

ETA: and yes, bizarre!


Extreme behavior grabs viewers as per the proof by shows like Jersey Shore. I think if a show featured bad extreme behavior, ninja-ing, shot twirling, spousal target practice, queen sacrifices, etc an audience would be just as drawn as they were to Snookie being a drunken stank.


Don’t forget about money and sabotage.

But I am just a horse of course.


I believe that communique was from _________. (Guess I should leave his name redacted). His bread and butter, so to speak, is reality based stuff like crime re-enactments and mini-documentaries for channels like Oxygen. And good for him for having success with a niche gig.

If he’s interested in your story, he may have a treatment written up. Then he shops it around to see if there’s any interest before spending a dime on actually producing it. That only makes sense. But to imagine that one has absolute control over the storyline once that contract is signed is magical thinking. Just tossing out a cautionary (dog) bone.


Just look at the Bravo lineup and all of the Real Housewives shows - crazy and drama draws people. What saddens me is that most of the people who participate in these types of shows dont realize their crazy is being exploited and lining others pockets. It feels icky to me.


Yeah, second grade. That pretty much describes the emotional level of Miss Lollypop. And equally disturbing is the fact that Mr. Poppypop isn’t much beyond that, either.

I didn’t know that arrested emotional development was hereditary but I admit that I am way far from being a mental health specialist - or a mental health patient. :grin:


another dog and what is it 5 or 6 horses


No they realize it. They just choose to make a lot of money instead of having dignity.

I can see LK going for it. Of course you can’t do this AND become an Olympian.


Narcissists - esp. of the more toxic kind - think that any publicity is good publicity. So anything that gets them attention is just hunky dory for them. And they don’t realize their craziness is being exploited because they don’t think they are crazy - just that everyone else is stupid for not recognizing the narcissist’s grandeur.

[Edited to add a caveat about “toxic narcissists” (as opposed to those with milder cases of the disorder).


Exactly. MB has been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Rather than admit that he shot and nearly killed someone, you’re pushing a narrative that his situation is the consequence of anyone other than him. You don’t limit your blame to just LK. It’s the fault of the police, the judge, the psychiatrists.


No forensics.


2 dogs and 6 horses, per LK’s own posts.


I can’t believe anyone would support the behavior of the banned family continuing to make alters and posting such accusations against an attorney as “doctoring texts.” I hope the attorneys go after them for it.


What is strange is why you are so adamant on your stance.
You stated several times you have no ties to anyone in this.
But yet every twist and turn here you are.

Kind of interesting, but I am just a horse of course


I get the last post! WHEEEEEEEEEE!


The book and movie conversation started with the doctor at graystone not realizing MB has been offered a book and tv deal. I hope it works for him. He could use the money but if you remember, it did not work well for Dr Jeffrey MacDonald (now 3 books, a tv movie, and a documentary).

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The 48 Hours Episode must have been well received or they probably wouldn’t be doing an update this week.


The questions we have at this time are “What’s being updated?” and “Will they replace the original version with the one that has the update, on their streaming sites?”. The update has no impact or audience if viewers can’t see it attached to the end of the original episode, on the streaming sites.


“Rosie’s” representation of communications re: another poster on the site were mischaracterized to my knowledge, and I wanted to clarify for the benefit of the poster mentioned.

We responded to a complaint in December 2021 to inform the complainant that we’d removed some posts, addressed it with the poster and had posted a reminder on the thread about it, that and we’d continue to address any further issues as we typically do. I believe that was the extent of the communication on our end.


You do make a valid point. It worked out very poorly for Lauren Kanarek with the 48 hours episode too. You just never know what they are going to do after they collect the facts.