Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Yes, the individual in question is what is known as a “Media Agent”. They are a middle-man who gets the rights and does the wheeling and dealing stuff, with actual media outlets and publishers, while the Kanareks go about their lives. They would put together a self-made media concept presentation - think Power Point and whatnot - about Lauren being shot and “shop it around”, hoping that someone is willing to put eyes on it and give it further consideration as a fully-formed media offering. The guy will make money off them in fees regardless of any actual “interest in her story” and make a bit more money if anyone actually does move forward.


So they pay him to shop the story around? Glad that cool quarter million is coming in handy…


Halt halt. So, not only has no one actively approached them (as we understand parties have approached MB), and not only have they zero offers to each of MB’s, they are actually PAYING someone to push their story to the media hoping to get some interest which no one has shown them spontaneously?!

Holy heck, this is just so so sad, really.


Yes, she gives them the representation rights and they try to present “Her Story” to anyone and everyone, hoping that someone takes enough interest to pay for more. She’s simply trying to exploit her “victim status” and make money off whatever happened at Michael Barisone’s farm, over those months. I can see her thinking that she’ll do a book or something and get tapped for speaking appearances at Democratic Party events or Gun Control gatherings or whatever she might get paid $$$$ to show up for.


It takes a lot of introspection, patience, humility and emotional strength to break generational trauma or improve yourself beyond the behaviors your parents modeled. Its hard work and a lifelong struggle - but people do it everyday. LK is not one one of those people.


Wow, that is SO different from what JK and Rosie claimed was happening. So very different.


My media agent can beat up your media agent.


Indeed. She has nothing to brag or boast about at this time, as it is absolutely common enough for that exact business to happen, regardless of whether or not it ever leads to anything further. It’s the equivalent of boasting about going to a travel agency to look at tropical island cruises, because you like the idea of going on a cruise and you think your friends will think you’re cool if you talk about going on one.


How about “Tacky”?


Nor has Rosie.


Or maybe just maybe she could get one of those really cool gigs and go to a nightclub, OMG just like Paris Hilton or one of the Trashdashens.

Perfect, where everyone will look at each other and go, Who?

But I am just a horse of course.


Anyone else enjoy “Keeping Up Appearances”? Remember when Hyacinth Bucket “borrowed” a Rolls Royce


A new mate came aboard yesterday and taught the crew a variant to the tune of the Wellerman chanty that has been going around the piers in Guilder. It’s far more appropriate for the sailing on this thread than the seas we’ve faced on the Revenge lately.

I don’t think I could post all the lyrics without getting banned for obscenity, but the first verse starts: “There once was a lass of unlimited means who fancied herself a dressage queen” …

The first chorus is really where it evokes this thread, though:

“Soon will the can-o-wrecks come
To stomp their feet and suck their thumbs
The moment their spotlight is gone
Their paroxysms will begin”

“Rosie’s” ears must have been burning during last night’s insomniac posting jag, as the lads were having a good laugh right then about the family tantrums, oblivious to the fact that the dog had been drawn into the unhinged, attention-seeking mess.


I’m eight hours behind on the posts, but I literally laughed out loud at this sentence just now. Lol.

Thank you very much for all your efforts!!


Omg. I just burst out laughing again. Thank you!!


I laughed out loud too. Good thing I was finished with my coffee, or my laptop would have needed to go for health care again. The bosses would not have been impressed since it was in for resuscitation in April.


Shocker. Not.


I’m kind of partial to this version of the song. (Love Mike Rowe’s voice!)


The best one is the kitty one.


Boy, those videos really give you a good idea of how crazy the world went during the pandemic. Now I will have to go back and find that one guy’s video that I watched a million times, but have not seen for a couple of years now.

I hope things are still going well for him after he quit his job at the post office when that song suddenly blew up for him.