Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

You’re welcome!


I am in fact a Hindu deity. Here is my latest picture after I finished smoking a cobra. They do leave a helluva after taste though.


I admit it, I am confused.
We are being chastised for bringing up Lauren Kanarek.
Ignoring the rant by Jonathan Kanarek.
Ignoring the crazy stuff posted under the name of Rosie Kanarek.

That still leaves the big question - How does one discuss the current case and the Krol hearing with out bringing up the Kanarek family? Lauren Kanarek is one of the main topics of the insurance case. The insurance case (and the Krol hearing) can not be discussed with out talking about Lauren Kanarek.



Technically and realistically speaking, it’s the Ks who have zero need to speak on this case. It doesn’t affect them even though LK is the catalyst for the event. But it’s not for her or her crew to comment on at all.


Yes, their part 8s done. The criminal trial is over. They have nothing to participate
Te in any more. He was found not guilty, by whatever reasoning.

The civil trial they brought is over, too they withdrew their claim with prejudice.

And last, they’ve been banned from this board, having proven they are incapable of any meaningful discussion in the equestrian community on the subject. The Kanareks have no more place to say anything to us.


I find it amazing that MB is working towards a healthy release. I thought that something g like that had triggered the Kanarek melt down.


I said this days ago!


I was saying g, (edited to add, KM was saying too) it sounded something like Taylor had delivered the news that although the next Krol hearing would be 6 months away, there wasn’t much he could do to keep MB beyond that if he was doing well. C9nsidering that Lauren has crowed 9n her FB page that he would be there for years and years, their expectations have apparently been dashed!


You know @eggbutt. At the least, the one where he retrieved RC’s Ruger, drove to the house, and shot her twice in the chest. (Edited the next comment because no one likes how I said it in a summary and keep commenting.) The prosecutor met the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, the highest standard, that MB committed the act (shooting LK twice) that would have been a crime except the defense met the burden of proof by a preponderance of evidence that he was insane at the time.

Also there was that downward spiral of tit for tat reporting instead of evicting her and her leaving.

This was both of them.

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Thank you @ ekat.

A jury verdict is not proof. Otherwise having a conviction overturned would be an impossibility. But, we have convictions overturned all the time. The state only ever had circumstantial evidence and the judge prevented the jury from seeing any evidence that may have painted a different picture than the state wanted of what happened. They essentially attempted to railroaded the jury into a specific decision.


She knows, Sdel. She just wants to be obtuse. She thinks shes being “different” .


More like mad….


Is this real life? Good Lord. I’m speechless. Well. Not really speechless but speechless in the sense of I can’t speak, without being banned. This is a new level of RIDICULOUSNESS. Every single word.


You’re welcome.

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You really can’t help yourself, can you? You know your post is inaccurate but you keep up the narrative for your idols. Thank God there were intelligent, rational people on that jury.


HH asked if we (g) know how threatening some posts can sound. Perhaps she can go explain exactly how threatening some posts can sound to Taylor, Shellhorne, Greystone Dr’s. Etc. Seems MB knew exactly how threatening some posts sound. To the point he was SCARED FOR HIS LIFE AND THE LIFE OF HIS CHILDREN (and yes I know they weren’t his).


Eta: begging you not to reply. Your post says all I need to know about you.


They are only threatening to someone who is being called out on their objective to lie, gaslight and twist facts and be toxic. I suppose any abuser would find it threatening when their target stands up to them. Toxic people who try to turn good people’s ideas and morality around to be “threatening” are bullies. I’m sure you feel your attempts to abuse the posters here are “threatened”, @hut-ho78. No one is going g to stand for lies couched in “point of view” and we can see through your pretend platitudes. If you feel like your attempts to shame and bully are being thwarted, well, thats because nobody has the stomach for them


So what happened in court today? What was Taylor’s decision?

Oh right I have to write all the words so you can understand. The prosecutor met the burden of proof, the highest standard, that MB committed the act (shooting LK twice) that would have been a crime except the defense met the burden of proof by a preponderance of evidence that MB was insane at the time.