Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

If you google Barisone Go Fund Me and click on that, you’ll fine the full update from LO on the 6/1 update, but here’s the short version of what’s happening now:

On Wednesday, Judge Taylor decided that in this case Dr. Hasson, with his over 50 years of experience and the hundred plus hours spent with Michael before the trial and before this hearing, was not credible. The Greystone doctors with less than 10 years experience between the 3 of them were deemed more credible and experienced. He did exactly what we had anticipated and is continuing to keep Michael committed to Greystone and beginning to increase privileges by allowing passes when the hospital feels he was ready. The next hearing is set for November 17, which yet again completely disobeys the Krol and Fields statute for the timing of hearings.


@hut-ho78 one would reasonably think that a family would seek to move forward and heal and get past this terrible time.

Instead… this family is channeling the dog to lie and obfuscate and threaten the editor of COTH and threaten to go on blast with the evidence they could not or would not share with the jury while hiding behind yet another fake name.

And you look at that and say yep, totally normal. All day long.

Woof. WOOF!!!


The creepy part is that those who did this did so knowing and not caring they’d be recognized and subsequently banned. That didn’t matter at all. The sacrifice of a screen name means nothing after all.

What did matter was that in their perceived glorious fashion very serious threats were delivered - even if under the ridiculousness of a typing dog.

They just wanted the messages delivered. They just wanted recipients to know: “We’re not done with you. We are still dangerous.”

That’s my opinion and interpretation.


You’ve crossed the line here. You are implying that a law-abiding citizen (KM) could know of a hit and would not immediately report it to the police. I would find this laughable in its absurdity if it weren’t an attempt at character assassination against @Knights_Mom.

I suggest you show yourself out before you find yourself the subject of a legal complaint.


The good news is that restrictions have been approved to be lifted without going back to court. Hopefully the professional embarrassment of being shown up with his lack of knowledge as to who MB was prior to the incident will cause the one doctor to become more attuned to his client’s factual life.

I think we can all agree that MB will be home in some form (released to outpatient or on a pass) for Christmas. And that is good news.




I would like to clarify my post so you don’t think I was chastising bringing up LK as a whole. Just more the incessant need for some posters to act like a shooting victim gets to behave however they want and anyone who calls out the behavior doesn’t have the “facts”. Feeding into that narrative gives LK and her parent’s satisfaction because they view it through some distorted lens that’s not based on reality.

It’s like these people cannot comprehend someone can be a victim of a horrible thing and a completely terrible person all at the same time.


I was glad to see he was at Level 3.

I find it so weird that @hut-ho78 has not addressed the fact that one of the Kanarek family (Lauren assumed, but it could have been Jonathan Kanarek) was here the other night and posted something horrible about and threatening to one of the people here that is a lie and that lie was confirmed by the moderation.

It was a lovely example of how the Kanarek family rolls. But somehow that was OK?


You know what else I hear rolls?


But I am just a horse of course


Have we heard from any friend of Lauren’s from her childhood defending her honor? Neighbors who knew her as she grew up? Former teammates? Not a single friend (not dependent upon K money [ruling out Robert Guy Goodman]) who has spent significant time with her in person?

Was anyone from NYT successful in flushing that most elusive quarry - a long-time friend of Lauren Shay Kanarek?

No? Think about that. Without a payroll, would Goodwin still be around to groom horses or the nag? Fluff her ego?


“Should I report your post about upcoming “karma”
in case you know of some hit hired on the Kanareks?”

Jeepers, I know it’s been a while since I’ve checked in, but how did this thread get from discussion about MB’s KROL hearing to someone from COTH knowing about a hit being taken out on the Kanareks? I’ve obviously missed some serious steps along the way somewhere.

Is the movie in someone’s head taking a while to buffer?



The only people familiar with Lauren and family, who publicly defended her on the public Facebook posts regarding the trial and 48 Hours, were family members and friends of the family through the Jewish social scene, none of whom have likely had any first-hand knowledge or interaction with her in many years. From the statements they made, it’s clear that Jonathan and Kirby have been lying to people about their oldest daughter and her activities for many years. The non-friends and family people local to the NJ/NYC area, who know of Lauren and her family first-hand or through others they have talked to, all gave nothing but negative opinions and a few made statements about Jonathan cleaning up Lauren’s messes in her teenage years and some plainly said that both Lauren and Robert ended up as exactly what they thought they would be, based on what they knew of them as children.


She’s lying again. Nobody insinuated that. We just hope Karma comes around for tye Kanareks. She took that as wishing evil on them. I guess if you do bad things, your Karmic reward is evil. Therexare those for whom their Karmic reward isxwonderful. But @hut-ho78 thinks the Kanareks’ karma will be a hot on them. At least she acknowledges they are evil.

Kind of a confession, I guess. Shes a shamer and a blamer, insinuating people are saying things they aren’t, while projecting false platitudes. It’s part of the toxic narrative she and the Kanareks project. She said it’s threatening when people stand up for MB and call her and the Kanareks out on their toxic behavior on the board. It’s what Bullies do. Calling posters out for amoral behavior is what good people do. She finds it worrisome and perceives it as a threat. It’s how bullies roll.


@hut-ho78 is abusing the board by twisting comments to mean something they don’t. She’s bullying the board by by threatening to accuse us of something we didnt do. She feels threatened because we are standing up to her and the Kanarek bullies.

I’m disgusted.


And you all are giving her the attention she wants. Please stop. Please.


The 48 Hours episode will re-air on Saturday, June 10, 10/9 central.


Do you happen to know if it’s a re-run or an update?

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It is listed as an update.


I am so far behind this morning. But now I’m wondering if the supposed “conspiracy to murder” that LK imagined was because she heard (on one of those illegal recordings) MB and MHG mention “karma” coming for her. And in her paranoid little brain, she assumed that meant they were going to kill her. [Edit]