Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Roger that!


Since she’s not a member, are we free to speculate on Lauren Shay Kanarek’s various diagnoses?


Good job, Mr. D. I certainly hope those insurance companies realize it will be cheaper for them in the long run to settle with MB rather than to continue their denial of responsibility.


Convictions are overturned when there was a procedural error, like an incorrect ruling by the judge, or juror misconduct, or new evidence comes to light. Often the case is then retried.

Barisone was not convicted. He received a fair trial with adequate legal representation, and the jury agreed with what he pled — NGRI. That’s why he can’t appeal and the verdict cannot be overturned— he pled NGRI and the jury agreed.




Really, the existence of folks like HH and CH adds weight to the theory that the jury verdict was a compromise between folks who wanted to go straight “Not Guilty” on all counts and folks who were thinking “Guilty.” And with all the evidence about how LK had tormented MB, plotted and acted to destroy his reputation and business and career and personal relationships AND sanity - the jury was convinced that he was in fact “insane” at the time of the shooting. So NGRI was the only unanimous conclusion the jury could find.


It is not cheaper for the insurance companies to settle. If they settle Barisone’s case, they’ll be setting a precedent that they’ll roll over and pay out when anyone else sues them for not providing defense. It’s worth it to them to spend millions to avoid setting a bad precedent.

MB was delusional on the issue of whether he was in physical danger from LK. That’s different from being delusional as to whether shooting her would be expected to cause injury.


NGRI is a completely illogical and incorrect verdict if the jury thought he was insane but did not shoot her.

If the jury thought he hadn’t shot her, they would never have even gotten to consideration of insanity.

If the jury could not reach a unanimous verdict, they would have been a hung jury.

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Someone sneaking around at night, doing who knows what within the barn or the house on the property, to the point that MB was up patrolling and hired someone to do it too - clearly he was worried that they were physically dangerous to everyone and everything on that farm.

The children were sent away. Working students left/were sent away. MHG asked her father/parents to be there in person - all because Lauren Shay Kanarek didn’t feel she was getting whatever it is she felt she deserved, but wouldn’t GO AWAY.

Not happy with a trainer? Leave.

Plotting their downfall and making everyone on the farm unhappy or frightened are the actions of someone with long-standing mental health issues that likely pre-dated her illegal drug use.


Not happy with a trainer? Leave.

Not happy with a client? End the training relationship. Evict if necessary. Don’t shoot.

Sounds just like someone else we know… :thinking:


Lauren Shay Kanarek was already unhappy and had been for months. She should have left rather than stirring up trouble. Who skulks around at night, breaks into a private office, records people having conversations?

I hope those illegal recordings she made of MB and associates, that are now in MB’s possession and his to use as he sees fit, make an appearance in any media deals he makes now and in the future. Ditto for the texts between Jonathan Kanarek, Lauren Kanarek and Robert Goodwin that he now legally owns.


Looks like the floor show is about to get started.
I hope everyone has held onto their 2 drink minimum tickets.

But I am just a horse of course


So there were some who thought NG, and some who thought G. And neither side could persuade the other side to think otherwise. But they all agreed “insane” - and I’m betting that the majority of them also understood the “character” of the state’s star witnesses, and understood the nature and scope of her actions to cause MB’s descent into insanity. So because the verdict had to be unanimous and neither side wanted to budge on their decision, they compromised on NGRI.

Sorry (not sorry) that verdict disappointed you and your higher-ups.




I can’t even believe you typed this out. Or maybe I do, considering everything else you get wrong on this forum.


I heard that Wayland and Madame, and Triumph the Insult Dog are warming up in the Green Room.




The verdict did not disappoint me at all. I think it was the correct verdict. He shot her but is not criminally responsible due to the insanity.

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I know. I mean, that was Deininger citing case law…which means it’s something that has already been decided. And apparently already in Barisone’s favor. Such sour grapes.