Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Check the record right knights mom

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Arguing with any of the Ks is about as insane as any of the Ks themselves. I canā€™t even tell if seeker is sober and coherent half the time. Let them drown in their own bad reputations.


Why wasnā€™t this testified to at trial to show a pattern of behavior? Nothing but scores of people testifying otherwise.

(ETA regarding your apparently libelous assertion that ā€œhe has had many semi violent incidents that did not end in a [sic] attempted murder. This was way before my daughter came along.ā€)


I am completely rational, sober, calm, and spot on accurate. You, on the other hand, continue to degrade our family and lie about what took place in the courtroom. How dare you even weigh in if you were not there?


Apparently we watched the wrong YouTube trial, or was that Utube??



I watched every minute of the trial that was publicly available. It was clear who was the upstanding citizen pushed past the breaking point and who was the disgusting family of lying grifters out to ruin someoneā€¦


You may or may not have heard the hearing(not a trial) in its entirety.

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You were there k

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Donā€™t care what you think.




I did. Your streak of being wrong continues. But itā€™s good to excel as something.


Tell me the lie km

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The only reason I care what u think is because your baseless and heinous lies hurt some people I love

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How would you know km

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Perhaps the fine to the GoFundMe should be reinstated for this thread for replying to this mess.

As for Seeker1 claiming they are such wonderful peopleā€¦well of course. Iā€™ve not seen any other family with major issues able to admit it, and the ā€œweā€™re good peopleā€ is an attempt to not see objectively. Nobody is going to stand up and say ā€œYeah, weā€™re a hot messā€¦drugs, violence, lies,etcā€ because that means honest self evaluation. One has to have a higher level of awareness as well as the ability to apologize, and thatā€™s not gonna happen here.


Yeah, he kept asking for the therapy he was supposed to be receiving. How dare he? Who does he think he is? :roll_eyes:


Hereā€™s a clue for you horses canā€™t lie.

So go ahead and prove that I am wrong or donā€™t either way itā€™s all just blah blah blah to me.



I paid my dues and am now trying to behave, since itā€™s clear their objective is get the thread shut down :woozy_face:


When they gave him therapy he wouldnā€™t listen or cooperate. Everyone agreed on that because he doesnā€™t think he did anything wrong


I have no intention to shut down the thread. My intention is to shut up name callers and liars

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Well I would suggest you start within your own family before branching out.

I am just a horse of course