Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

There are a couple of things I would like to emphasize:

  1. “Shadow” of a doubt is not a legal standard;
  2. Lawsuits are never easy. Attorneys must have a reasonable basis for bringing suit; it cannot be done just because. And because lawsuits are not easy, neither are settlements. Several times the use of the phrase “easy settlement” has been employed. That’s an oxymoron and anyone who has ever been involved in a suit would know that.
  3. Hypocrisy abounds. The stated purpose for some folks being here is to push back against the hateful bullying and decimation of a person and family. Yet those folks feel free to decimate filings, writings, reputation and capability of anything and anyone surrounding MB.

It’s been said many times,in many ways: pot meet kettle, let he who is without sin…etc.etc.

The all out attack on anything MB belies the assertion that the only reason for being here is to defend…


Amen!! And, AMEN again!!


CH not biased? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Maybe in an alternate universe.


What all out attack on MB? There have been very few negative comments about him since the first thread.

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So stalking and assaulting people isn’t new for Goodwin (2001). Yeah, I’d want him nowhere near my minor child and particularly young women. Really makes that incident where he and Lauren followed a woman younger than themselves and recorded her even more creepy.


Remember the working student he threatened that the police ignored?


So the “hero” is actually a zero.

No surprise there.


upstanding citizen


But wait! There’s MORE! Just think, he is basically paid to be around Princess LaDeeDuh

Gee - why would Barisone want this gem of a human being GONE? Huh. I wonder. /s

August 10, 1995

June 5, 1997

November 1997

Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 12.23.24 PM


No one in this tragedy is without error or success.

MB’s successes are publicly known worldwide and considerable. So are some of his errors.

LK lived and is riding again, hopefully successfully fighting her addiction or continuing to try.

RG’s errors are publicly known and he still stopped a shooter and saved everyone, including the shooter.

This is not and has never been a good guys versus bad guys. This has always been a train wreck of struggling people who reacted poorly to each other and neither would stop the downward spiral of behavior despite advice to do so.

RG stopped a shooter

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So he says. His record says it’s more likely he started it.



What a spin.




I mean, this guy seems totally believable and credible. (And this is just NJ. Who knows what’s lurking in NC, for example).


Is it gauche of me to mention Robert Goodwin had to repeat his senior year of high school?

I wonder if he ran into legal trouble (with open arms) as a juvenile that led to that setback.


Six pages??

rubs eyes

Yep six pages.

That doesn’t look like a Stand Up Guy to me.
Nope not at all.

But I am just a horse of course.


It is a good guys vs bad guy, though. MB is sort of an “Everyman”, just going about his business, living his life. He achieved success. Perfect? No. Just a regular person who thought we had social norms everyone agreed on. (Good guy)

Enter LK et al, who don’t abide by social norms. She and her entourage are the bad guys. Ex: if you aren’t happy with a situation, you leave, you don’t dig in and try and take what someone else built.

You won’t convince me otherwise. I think we all can put ourselves in MB’s shoes and wonder how the norms of society have disintegrated to the point grifters can enter and take everything from us.


And I’d love to know where he was in that gap between May 2009 and April 2013 - and what he was doing. It’s kind of suspicious that a person with that sort of violation record could manage to stay out of trouble for four years. I assume he was out of state during that time - and it would be so, so interesting to know where and what he was doing. :thinking:


I bet he was in North Carolina.


Would all these incidents, news pieces, be items the PI found that concerned MB so much?



Something about giving false information and disorderly conduct creating hazardous conditions……