Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Not to mention MB had a broken arm, bloodied, dog bitten, choked out-ness…


I bet they were and if he had access to the NC court stuff (I don’t - I’m speculating) I bet MB was horrified.


Could you please provide us with Michael Barisone’s SIX page rap sheet prior to this incident???

Let me give a hint as to where to find it- you will not find it because it DOES NOT EXIST, UNLIKE ROBERT GUY GOODWIN’S!!!


Nope, more like career criminal, in addition to drug addict!!!

I would not have wanted him or Princess Lollypoop (yes, that is spelled correctly) on my farm either!!!


Isnt 4 years the requisite enlistment time? But then wouldnt there be a record of that?


Just think, he has to be paid by someone to stick around and provide companionship and other services for Lauren. He must believe she is beneath him if he isn’t willing to do it for love.

Still, if you are a professional launderer, chauffeur, procurer and groom, you should get paid for your time and efforts since he’s not good enough to marry.


In 2009 he was already in his 30’s (with a history of arrests) so that wouldn’t seem to line up with enlistment I would think.


He would have been 32 y/o in May 2009 (I think the cut-off for Marines is age 28).

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Interesting point.

Quoting myself because I will take this a step further- Michael Barisone would be welcome at my dinner table any holiday dinner, or any meal for that matter!

Princess Lollypoop and Hero Laundry Boy???
Not in this lifetime, and even if they both came back as Christ incarnate!!!


You are calling them apples and apples.

It’s one apple and two durians.


Scroll down. Official government website states ages 17-28 to be eligible to be a Marine.


In order to enable TWOT, Congress and the DOD allowed for 15-month enlistments in all military branches, out of desperation for the manpower needed to hold Afghanistan and Iraq and support the ongoing military missions there and elsewhere around the world. It was done under the auspices of “The National Call To Service” and still continues to this day.


If he were a Marine, where would it fit into the crime spree as documented in his arrest record?


Oh come on now. What’s wrong with them? They are nice people. They’re a nice family. Remember? We were told that. Several times in fact.


As I said before, he could have gotten in right after HS. Back in the 90’s, all aspects of the enlistment process were inefficient and the background checks and drug tests took a long time to get back, so people often got to boot and then yanked out for lying or being disqualified due to drug use. After that, it’s not really likely, given what we know of his ongoing charges and movements with LK.


Given his lying on the stand and elsewhere and given his LENGTHY arrest record I doubt anyone on this board but you (maybe not, who knows) and another believe this mutt to be a hero. Personally, I believe they jumped MB. MB has no history of jumping people while both of them do.

This is and always been Good vs. Evil. This is exactly about wanting to see grifters receive what they deserve from the universe.

RG didn’t stop anything. I believe he and her STARTED it, just like they started terrorizing the people at Hawthorne Hill.


Bilinkas seemed to think RG was a Marine. Several posters here who seem to be “in the know” (or maybe just pretend to be) say he was and was released early for reasons never said. Medical? Honorable? Dishonorable? Not dishonorable but other than honorable say for the good of the service? Failure to adjust? Drugs catch several. Then he is portrayed here as trained killer easily able to overcome all 6’3 or 4” athlete MB. Other times there are a string of posts about how much of a lawbreaker and loser he is as above. That contradiction is just odd to me. It is possible for him to have struggled with addiction his entire life and been in bad company heading downhill and still be able to stop a shooter in one moment. When the LE arrived, RG was on top and everyone lived.

I just can’t believe the grifters described here are then capable of being super ninja safe robbers and killers as also described. I believe MB showed up with a Ruger. I believe something was very wrong and that caused his marriage to break up and that he had been making bad decisions for months, before LK showed up.

I think LK and RG were trying to stay sober and her family was helping as much as they could and bargaining/bribing with horses and training.

I think it’s heartbreaking they reacted off each other as they did. I look forward to the day they are both riding and recovered from this and ignoring social media. She is riding now and I hope he will be out sometime in the near future so long as it is the right time for him. For that, he has work to do.

It’s like he is in training for high level competition. He has a new horse that is capable but not a replacement in case something happens. He has to learn to ride this new horse (Greystone). No excuses that the barn staff isn’t doing their job or the judge is biased. He has to excel regardless. Blaming the TDs, the judge, the staff, the show manager, the professional organization rules, skipping or being late for lessons (group and individual therapy) will just create enmity and undermine his efforts to achieve his goal, being deemed no longer a threat to himself or others.

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Just a slight observation regarding the word “painstaking.”

It is not misspelled. All of the letters are there correctly and in order. The problem was the misplacement of a ‘hyphen.’ Now, it’s possible that hyphen was put where it was in error (by the lawyer or a clerk) or that one’s fingers/brain just hit the hyphen key at the wrong time.

I looked up “painstaking”, and it doesn’t need a hyphen. However, sometimes we(g) do things that we think are either correct or easier for someone reading to understand. Like the word “reenactment.” I might write this as “re-enactment” as my brain sometimes see words like this as “reen-actment.” It’s just something I do to enable a reader (if they have MY reading ‘problem’) to see the word correctly.

Or maybe someone wasn’t using the “justify” format option when writing this. When you do, you sometimes HAVE to break up words by syllables. If you MANUALLY put in a hyphen in a word but change to the “justify” format option later, that hyphen will stay in the document unless removed specifically.

Not important, just a retired clerk/secretary/office worker who went through a LOT of changes in writing, software, etc. throughout her 30-year career. (Had to take a TYPING test when I applied for my job.)


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


People here have said that they are a nice family and LK was fine until a car wreck. They said Kirby took them to church and Girl Scouts etc. Kirby is involved in civic groups. Said lots of nice things. Then they contradict themselves later. That is a strange contradiction to me as well.

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