Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Maybe because they get by with alittle help from a “Daddio on a Patio”

Oh who “killed” who?
I don’t remember any of that, you have some special inside information? Oh please do tell



Being you seem addicted to doing impossible things like trying to desperately convince us that RG and LK have any redeeming qualities, I was wondering if you also flap your arms and try to fly too?

Why the need to constantly try and convince us so badly?


A lot happened between being a kid carted around to church and girl scouts (neither of which define being a “good person”) and being a 40 year old drug addict with a significant arrest history.

Lots of scandals in that good ole organization called The Church….


If anyone posted that on COTH, I’d love to see it (the driving to Girl Scouts and church). Because I definitely don’t remember it.


Me either.


According to you. Most of us believe otherwise. No one wants a person of this caliber anywhere near them unless they are cut from the same cloth.

The articles posted are news to me and, frankly, shocking.


Well, I’m pretty sure the Girl Scouts wouldn’t condone a Minor in Possession of alcohol.


By the way, all Kanarek posting related to Robert Guy Goodwin being a US Marine stopped completely when I and several others DEMANDED a redacted copy of his DD214. That document would have been very easy to post here with a deserved comment telling all of us to “shove it”. That didn’t happen.

As I recall, good old Judge Taylor stopped Bilinkas from further questioning good boy Rob regarding the US Marines. Those of us who are very familiar with US Marines knew he was never even close to being a Proud US Marine based on his appearance and demeanor on the witness stand. If by some chance he made it a couple of weeks into boot camp, he is a disgrace to the Corp.


Okay, so @LexInVA said:

And you interpreted it to mean:

Does Lex have a multiple personality disorder that you know about? /s


You tend to do quite a bit of DEMANDing, Eggbutt.

You have DEMANDed things of me, at times.

Although it may have been quite easy for me to comply, I generally make a point of ignoring your DEMANDs.


Oh like you never demanded anything from anyone here.




You mean like when LK demanded of me and called in JK so they both could demand my identity?

Did @eggbutt do that?

Because unless she did it’s weird that LKs demand of me didn’t arouse your ire too.


You can tell when one goes to bizarre capitalization, that pearls are being clutched and voices are getting shrill.


But it’s so early in the posting day. And so much fodder to have ignored……


Quote bolded by me.

Ya know what hut??? You do not bribe people stay sober. You cannot make someone use, nor can you make someone stay sober.

Point #2 is RG admitted on the witness stand in court that he was actively using that summer, although he claimed never at Michael Barisone’s farm.

But let me let you in on a little secret hut! It will be just between us!

How do you know when an addict is lying? Their lips are moving.

Sober people are not on Suboxone for 10 years. Sober people do not behave the way LK and RG behave. Sober people are not getting multiple tickets in seedy areas of godawful Newark at ungodly hours while their partner is in a hospital bed, fighting for their life.

Sober people put the time and effort into their recovery, and do not attempt to make the lives of others a living hell.

Sober people do not stalk children to the point where their mother fears for their safety and sends them away.

Sober people remove themselves from bad situations because they know it is best for all involved, and especially for their sobriety.

My suggestion to you @hut-ho78 is that you attend an AA, Al Anon or other recovery program meeting, and obtain a real grasp on what true sobriety and the behaviors of it require.

Do not insult those of us who work hard to stay sober by assuming LK or RG exhibit the behaviors of sober living as nothing could be further from the truth!

You know what hut? I’ve been there, done that, got multiple t-shirts for having to experience it with multiple family members. Not one of them every had a plan to “FINISH THE BASTARD” because hurting themselves was more than enough. LK and RG are a special kinda sick, because not only do they want to hurt themselves, they strive to destroy others with them!




Which, whatever, your post is somewhat pointless, but if someone was in the military and uses it as a bragging point as much as RG/the K’s do, they’d generally have no issue proving that they served.


I mean, I wonder if he’d walk into a room full of legit USMC members and/or vets and say, “I was a marine”…they’d have questions and if the answers weren’t right, it wouldn’t be pretty!

I’m not insinuating any sort of violence, but it’s wrong if he’s posing as something he wasn’t. If he was, easy enough for him to prove and tell us all to go do one.

We’re not entitled to the info, so it is sort of, “whatever” but still.


Well, the generator was worthy of a text screenshot to “show us”……

I guess RG’s military honor isn’t worth proving with a screenshot….


Gee even a picture of old Jim E Stark and his Challenge Coin.

I seen Actual Marines with those. Yes, I sure did.
