Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

It’s not unusual for a divorce to occur several years after the breakdown of a marriage, whether due to infidelity or other causes. I don’t claim to know whether MB left Vera for the much younger MHG, and I doubt you do either.

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Yet you keep pushing on about it.

Why is that?



Then how can you say this?


Darn, you are claiming to know though. You are saying that MHG was the cause of the break-up of his marriage and that he gave up a lot (his marriage) to be with MHG.

I know I am claiming to know the opposite. Michael and Vera were not a couple when Michael met MHG and started dating her. Period. His split from Vera had nothing to do with Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek, and Robert Guy Goodwin developing their Finish the Bastard plan.


Oh, I figured it out. CH’s know about the divorce is accurate as their know about the police report!



What was the “all out attack on anything MB”?

Was it my saying that I was amused by a particular misspelling by MBs lawyer in a legal filing?

Is that what you consider “an all out attack”?

To the extent that this thread is about the Krol hearings, past and future, it is my humble opinion that MBs mental health and his prospects of leaving Greystone would be improved if he had honestly come to terms with the fact that he shot someone while delusional.

Keeping up the narrative that he didn’t shoot anyone, or if he did it was all the victim’s fault, doesn’t aid his cause. I think it makes the haters feel more self righteous in their hate, but that’s a nasty indulgence.

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Does your humble opinion include psychology/psychiatry degrees?


What do you think?

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Maybe MB is waiting for all the results to come back from all the forensics that were done after the shooting. You know, to jog his memory.

OHHHHHHHHH, that’s right, there were no forensics done.


I don’t have any earthly idea, which is why I asked.


I think your opinion on that topic means as much as your opinion was on the police report that you have never read.


I love how some posters keep pushing this narrative that MB needs to come to “terms”.

Now how would anyone know ANYTHING about what MB has come to terms with?

Of course if you truly do not remember then why would you admit to anything if the truth is you DON’T remember.

Also what the mind melt is going on here with the “haters”. What is there a gathering every evening and the super secret message is being transported over the airwaves?

Oh Please, this just smells like a fishing expedition at this point.



Who needs forensics when you’ve got the word of Rob to rely on? Way more trustworthy!


Thank you @DownYonder!

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I think they were depending on the video he said he had……and then too late found out the video wasn’t available.


Honestly, your participation in these threads is just a nasty indulgence for you :woman_shrugging:t3:

But that’s none of my business sips tea


It’s good that you don’t “claim to know” because you don’t. And I do know that MB didn’t leave Vera for MHG. That’s a verifiable fact. Your habit of tossing lies into the air to see what sticks is not effective.

Unless of course your mission here is to be a distraction.

Also not effective.


You know, that video sure would come in handy to jog MB’ memory. Why don’t we go grab that for him?

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, that’s right, it disappeared


What was she supposed to do? I know there were serious issues surrounding MHG after the incident and I don’t think she has shared the impetus for her decisions publicly, but you keep rehearsing that movie in your head making MH as utterly negative as you can. Mkay?