Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

When in doubt, start blaming MHG.

Good one @CurrentlyHorseless, and just so darn original!

Is this all you’ve got tonight???

Maybe you should spend your weekend coming up with new material because some of this stuff is just sooooo old!



What an incredible string of conjecture. Do you have any evidence based on what evidence was entered into evidence during the criminal trial to support your assumptions?


But you do, interestingly, claim…


Evidence smevidence, who needs evidence?


Right up there with her law degree and stellar ability to interpret the law- NOT!!!



I don’t take pleasure in hating.

I don’t hate LK, MB, MHG, the DHH woman, or Nick Peronance. The traffic on this thread lightens up when the core group of regulars moves to trash the DHH woman.

It speaks volumes that in order to take me to task for supposed “bullying”, posters jump on my making fun of a spelling error of one of the lawyers.

As if that’s the nastiest thing that’s been said on these threads.

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Yep, he has to “come to terms” with something that he does not remember that may be fact or fiction.

Meanwhile, he’s had psychiatrists at Ann Klein state he was not mentally ill and not a danger to himself or others, and then again, 8 months later, the experts from Greystone testified his delusional disorder was in remission, and he’s now been moved to level III. (Level IV is discharge).

Kind of strange, isn’t it?


Curious as to why you referred to MHG this way? I get that you choose to disparage her but why “the younger” MHG? Her age contributes to her nefariousness? Bad MB for having a partner younger than his ex?


I think they are trying to insinuate he’s a perv and sexually inappropriate…


The stench of hate against MHG is strong tonight, isn’t it? Too bad few here know her IRL. But just Lome with MB, those who know either/both of them keep their information private, as it should be.


The fact that MB doesn’t remember “the incident” does not mean that it is fiction.

He shot her. This lawyers and doctors understand that he shot her.

I would certainly hope, for MBs sake, that his lawyers and doctors are telling him the truth about the shooting.

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OMG. How about just cutting and pasting this extremely tired mantra rather than wasting your time typing it out daily? No one here agrees with you and won’t in the future.


No. He left his marriage and took up with a younger woman at about age 50, which is just a classic male mid life crisis move.


That’s not what I said. At all.

Says you. Go ahead, insert your lecture about the verdict again, and I’ll ignore it this time.

Which lawyers?

How would you know what the doctors understand? Is this like that police report again?

I hope for Michael’s sake his lawyers and doctors aren’t taking advice from you.


All the lawyers. Bilinkas, Deininger, everybody.

Proof please. If you like, I will DEMAND it. You’ve already been told he and Vera had split long before MH came on the picture, but you keep promoting this fake news.


Really the lawyers and doctors understand do they? So you know that how? Are you having mind melt meetings with them?

Just in case you haven’t heard the good news is that MB moved up to Level III.

Humm maybe on the day trips or the overnights he could think about the book/movie deals that he has been offered, not sought out but offered.

I heard that really frosted somebody’s cake when they heard all about that at the last hearing.



Seriously warped interpretation of something you can’t possibly know - relationships develop between two people and you weren’t one of them.


I know, especially when you have the impeached testimony of a “hero”,