Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

There are lots of reasons to think MB didn’t shoot her, or if he did they were under different circumstances than were testified to.

That plot to harm him for starters. I wonder how close the plan was to what happened? Did they laugh about beating him up somewhere/somehow like they did about making him homeless? Did they discuss what they were going to do if they found where MHG’s kids were. Seems like you’d need a gun to go with exploding bullets……and none of MB’s worked and LK’s were “out of state”….


Some people don’t think MB shot LK because they’re in denial.


Sometimes it feels like it!


… and he took possession of RC’s gun because none of his guns worked.

The well established chain of custody of the gun and LKs 911 call saying “Michael Barisone shot me” were pretty compelling as evidence.

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Well maybe if Lollypop would just release all the recordings that she crowed about.

But I am just a horse of course.


Not true.


The well established fact that LK could access the safe and had everyone kicked out from in front of the office (that she’d been trying to get into for several days) the night before the shooting undermines the circumstantial narrative that the state wanted to pretend happened. RC even testified that the gun wasn’t considered safe in her car. Why….because of LK’s ninjaing at night and the other testimony that they were messing with things in the cars……and LK bragged about having recorded them discussing putting it in the safe. In fact, she gave it all away when she felt compelled to ask me who I was talking to in NJ or FL.




Up all night with a new foal and his mom with no milk - so forgive me if I am a bit overwrought… can someone run a flag up the pole or something when the incessant rehashing of that same old stuff… the sneering about MHG… the insults… the feigned wishes for M to get better… the same verdict and MHG and Vera stuff over and over again that seems to Intensely Bother some posters… the never-ending hamster wheel…the insistence that the Ks are a peaceful family who just want to be left alone (ignore them coming here posting and being basic douches)… did I mention MHG and Vera…

When all of THAT tedious recycled and rehashed sh-stuff delivered with an air of sanctimonious superiority dies down… let me know.

Because seriously… OMG and WTF. It is exhausting just reading it - never mind transcribing from the movies in heads…


{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}. To you, mama and baby


You spend a lot of time on the forum, specifically in this thread. It appears you are posting here everyday, multiple times a day. That’s a lot of time and effort to dedicate to this thread. Being such a martyr for the bullied, why don’t you spend the same amount of time in the NP or DHH threads defending them and their families? Why devote so much of your life to just this thread? Surely as a martyr for the bullied, your efforts could be better applied.

I’m also confused by this statement. What are you implying? Why do you make such derogatory insinuations towards MHG? You seem bitter.

I don’t expect you to be forthright with an honest answer, but hopefully your discrepancies are becoming more apparent to you.


“…skid life crisis…” :laughing:


We had a Chief Safety Officer (over both the Police and Fire Departments) who claimed to have been a Navy Seal. Unfortunately for him, some local and former Navy Seals outed him. His tenure as the CSO ended shortly thereafter.


I’ve got an ocean front property in Arizona to sell. Are you interested?

But on a more serious note those 2 things are evidence, but not necessarily solid given that LK lies, manipulates, and is in general an unreliable narrator.

I wasn’t there that day, so I just can’t be certain. I guess you can because you out faith in LK’s word? I know the whole, “the jury and the lawyers” thing, but if we’re talking pure forensic evidence, what is there?


That kind of sh*t bugs me.


At 50? :joy:
What are you, ten?

At least he’s been to the Olympics, among other equally prestigious events.


Well I guess this is the end of “Control the Narrative” with some commerical’s of “Make Them Look Away” for this evening.

Of course if anyone is really interested they could go back up thread and review all those interesting posts about a certains someone’s past, you know those newspaper articles and the six pages of “reports”.

But I am just a horse of course.


Generally, with some posters, if you try to have a legitimate discussion and/or ask certain questions they just sort of ignore it and then go away for a bit shrug

They’re not here for actual constructive or productive discussion (sometimes I’m not either :rofl:)


Alas with some people they are seedy social climbing methods.

Above post was the same but not quoted