Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Yes you do. We read your posts.


I never thought of church and Girl Scouts as social climbing. They are theoretically welcome to all although imperfect though they may be in actuality.

Now mean girling people on social media to impress an institutionalized Olympian and maybe get invited to his release day party (something I doubt will ever happen-a party for it, not the release day) is something I think of as seedy social climbing. Yep, a more perfect example of seedy social climbing would be very difficult to find.


As much as I try to ignore the most ridiculous nonsense on here, some things just cannot slide by without the appropriate response. In this case:



Oh the assumptions you make!!

It’s clear that in YOUR world people only do things if it benefits them, tit for tat situations.

You are apparently unfamiliar with people doing things just because their sense of morality tells them what’s right or not right, what’s just or unjust. You are also apparently unfamiliar with the fact that good people desire fairness and justice in the world.

Sayings such as Martin Luther King said: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."

Nah, in your Laurened world people only do things that benefit them, never for the greater good.

How is it that you feel so self righteous in defense of your grifter that you can disparage the motive of not just the good people of this Board, but the untold number of people worldwide who have posted all across social media their dismay with how this case was handled from cop to court, court to incarceration? I suppose in your mind in order to justify and come to terms with the THOUSANDS who posted in favor of MB that it must be only because they all want recognition from Barisone, an athlete in a sport they never even knew existed. I suppose this helps with your cognitive dissonance.

The movie and the motives in your head strike me as a very dark and disturbing place to dwell.

How completely and utterly sad for you.


My, My, My, still shaking my head.

SIx pages of police reports and some interesting articles.

My, My, My



So that’s not why people make such a big deal about their devoted attendance?


Oh look. A typo. :grin:


And it appears that someone on this thread was very, very deep in their cups last night


I don’t stop in here regularly, so I am once again behind. I apologize in advance if this has been covered.

First ofall, I think the statement was what attack had been made on MB? I didn’t say attack on MB (alone) but attack on anything MB. The phraseology used by CH and HH is always slanted against MB. “Pretty darn quickly” is not a statement of fact. That’s opinion. Quickly means different things to different people and depends on the circumstances. And “Pretty darn”. The characterization that the attorney does not know the meaning of a word due to a misplaced punctuation. The statement that it’s all on MB to get better, and no blaming others. That, of course, implies that he is blaming others.

We don’t know that. We do know that complaints were filed trying to get the help he needed. That sounds like trying to help oneself.

The derogatory statements about MHG have been frequent. “Pretty darn quickly” is a judgment. The derogatory statements about MB’s lawyers have been more frequent. The imaginary statement that MB had been making bad decisions for months

The fact is, CH mostly, makes false, bad statements about all things MB all the time. Hence my saying “attack”. CH, you chastise most of us for discussing LK and family in unflattering ways. At least we have fuel for the fire. You have no actual knowledge of what happened, what MB or MHG, or the attorneys, are really like. If you do, you’ve never provided that info.

Yet you continue to denigrate, and attack, all things MB. Given we know nothing of his side of the story, even if you defend the K crowd, he deserves some benefit of the doubt.

I am going to go ride my horse in the cool of the morning. Much more fun.


Any baseline decent parent/person on these threads would recognise this instantly.

There is no man alive worth even the risk of losing my children either to violence or mayhem at the hands of LK/RG or to a co-parent who goes to court to limit my custody so that the children were not exposed to LK/RG. Were he the love of my life, my ticket to sports fame, my means of financial support, or just the world’s most attractive man, it would still be a non-starter if the other side of the balance was my children.

I’d suck up a broken heart a thousand times over rather than put my children in harm’s way or risk losing my time with them.

No contest.


I quote as a way to like your post twice.


Or Reiner Klimke


Did you accidentally reply to my post?

Bolded by me once again.

So you assume (because “think” would make it seem like you put effort into the action) that people are here in Michael Barisone’s corner because we want to social climb and be invited to his release day party???

Nope, wrong once again @hut-ho78. You might want to take weekend off and find something else to do because your batting record sucks so far, and it is only Saturday!

Before August of 2019, I had absolutely no idea who Michael Barisone was. I have no appreciation for dressage. To me, it is the equine equivalent of watching paint dry. Had never seen Barisone on Stephen Colbert either. Only knew the Long Valley area, and that things like this do not happen there.

I started commenting on these threads because I knew something was off and did not add up. The more I read and the deeper I dug, the more I saw a man who had been targeted by 2 drug addicted grifters, who systematically devised a plan to “FINISH THE BASTARD”!

Then, LK decided to come here and threaten me, more than once. That sealed the deal for me. I know a bully when I see one, and it is the same story it has been with me since the first grade- I never have and never will back down from a bully, whether it is happening to me or someone else.

You want to bully me? Come and get me because you are not going to “FINISH THE BASTARD” here and I guarantee I will still be standing when all is said and done.

Do I give a rat’s a$$ if I ever meet Michael Barisone? Do I want to be invited to some release party? That would be huge NOs to either question!

Do I care about justice and restoring the mental health to a man who was victimized? You bet your sweet bippie I do!

Am I a mean girl? If mean girl is defined by standing up to a drug addicted grifter and her man servant laundry boy and defending a person who could not defend himself, who they specifically targeted to “FINISH THE BASTARD”, then YES!


Hell, I will wear that title all day, every day and have it engraved on my tombstone if it means stood up for someone who could not do it for themselves. Doesn’t shame me in the least!




You have been lucky then to have never seen these types in action in a church or volunteer group. Because they most definitely exist and are a bane to those whom are trying to lead impartial activities open to all.


No, this does not define a mean girl. It defines a person with courage, character, and integrity.


Sorry @CanteringCarrot. I was replying to CH. My booboo.


I can’t like this enough! Thank you for this post!


Who stalks a teenage girl at all in his 20’s then turns around at 40+ and stalks another younger woman (AGAIN) with his late-30’s girlfriend? Plus RECORDING her? He didn’t have to go along with this if it was Lauren Kanarek’s idea. If it was his, she could have not participated. Either of them could have called the other out.

But they didn’t and this was after her release from the hospital.

Who does that?