Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I look forward to 48 Hours repeat tonight and hope it includes an update, at least on MB’s incarceration at Greystone. Denying someone mental health therapy when it is mandated is a huge issue, and could use some exposure. And I wonder if CBS will mention that LK threatened to sue them for defamation. Going by the comments on the last airing it seems a far fetched claim.


So I’m looking to see when 48 Hours is on and I come across 2 reviews by anonymous people and they see exactly what we do.


Yes, pretty amazing that the episode made it to IMDb.


Ok so I ended up searching on my TV. I’m eastern time so it’s 10 pm on CBS called The Shooting Of LK.


I think they all do? Maybe?

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And then there are all the things that didn’t get covered……


Live a miserable life along with her weird father.

horse snort giggle



The feelings they bring forth in people is universal. Yet we are the ones called “mean girls”.

It would be funny if it weren’t so absurd.


Yes, you are all the so called mean girls.
My question is on Wednesdays do you all wear pink. Maybe pink bathrobes?

I can’t be because I am a horse.


Weird, because the schedule on Dish Network says the episode is “The Dexter Killer.”

It’s a double header. That’s the show that precedes the Kanarek story, according to my schedule.


Mine too

Interesting! Nothing like that is mentioned in the Dish Network preview.

Obviously those reviews are done by COTH posters/members of the elderly illegal mob (or whatevs)! No one else could possibly think that way!!1!11


Yes and that brings up to me that you really need a nice Baker as your avatar!


I honestly think that if you watched that episode, or even the court proceedings, and maybe read a court document or two, you’d come to the conclusion that MB has issues, LK is BSC, and the the K family is rather…off…to put it nicely (no idea why I’m being nice, tbh :rofl:).

Yeah, you might be surprised that she ended up shot (doubt tap, center mass, stem to stern, flat-lined twice, whatever other sensationalist terms), but you likely wouldn’t be surprised that something “bad” happened to her or that the situation ended badly.

I’m not saying what is right or wrong, but I really feel like an unbiased outsider walking into the case would likely reach those conclusions. You’re always going to have a minority opinion, or even just some outliers that think something totally different, of course.


That is also on today but a different time.

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Is this what happened to you? It seems probable due to your drum beating on the subject. I hope you can find a way to move on and not let bitterness envelop you. From the sounds of news on both MB and his former spouse, they both let go and found new lives.


Great observation.


No, it has not happened to me.

It’s interesting that you say that MB “let go and found a new life”.

My view is that he was the one who left Vera for the younger MHG, and it has not worked out well for him.

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