Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Why does it matter that MHG is younger than MB? And is there proof MB was going through a mid-life crisis?


That ^ is something a mean girl would post. Insulting, seedy social posting - although LK and IM do it better. I see no one here seeking to impress an “institutionalized Olympian” or hoping to get invited to a party of any kind. I do seem to see some posters waving frantically to the Ks to show how amazing they are to take on the “mean girls” or “the mob” or whatever the current trendy term is



You are deeply, disturbingly delusional. It’s amazing how many times people have explained the ACTUAL timeline to you, and yet you persist in this weirdly invested smear campaign.


Is there some sort of odd time warp you’re stuck in? You keep stating this, and it is not true at all. His marriage to Vera was over, done and divorced long before he and MHG started a relationship. He didn’t leave Vera for MHG.


What makes you so sure that things were working/great before MHG came along? Or that Vera wasn’t also looking for greener pastures? What makes you so sure that if MHG (or anyone else) hadn’t come along, that MB and Vera would still be together? Do you think Vera has some sort of grudge against MB?

Here is what I think. MB and Vera’s relationship is none of your business. There is no pariah to defend there. LK heard some rumors and twisted them to suit her narrative: hate MHG and make her look bad. That is all.


What’s that definition of insanity? Oh yeah, doing (or saying) the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.


For those of us who haven’t seen it or didn’t track it (because it’s 10000000000000% irrelevant) when did they divorce (like the year) and when did he start dating MHG?

BTW: I met my now husband when his divorce had only been final about 6 weeks :slight_smile:


Who cares about the state of Michael’s marriage? Not our business. If being married and not faithful is an issue then Lauren cheating on her then-husband with Robert Guy Goodwin is also bad and shows that her judgment is clouded.

I mean, if that is how you are applying it to MB then it applies to Lauren Shay Kanarek too. Is it worse that she wasn’t “middle-aged” at the time? Or that she hadn’t already competed internationally? I mean, she had accomplished nothing noteworthy (vs. seedy or notorious) by the time her divorce ended.

Nor has she accomplished anything since 2019.


Oh well I’m glad you weren’t dumped, and hopefully you won’t be in the future. But off of that all I can say to your reply is a term I learned on coth “bwahahaha” :rofl: From the reports I think MB will be fine, he has many people that truly care about him and he has proven he is very strong mentally.


I don’t have any personal first-hand knowledge but based on what other (trustworthy) posters have indicated, I believe there was another girlfriend after VK but before MHG. The divorce may not have been final but it sounds like the MB/VK relationship had been over long before MHG was on the scene. Again, NOT that it’s at all relevant to LK’s deranged FTB plot. It’s just so bizarre that the Kanawreck’s little mouthpieces are so fixated on it.


Even if MHG and MB had canoodled before the divorce, it doesn’t mean MB and Vera broke up because of it. Maybe they both were canoodling others. Maybe not. Its irrelevant.

None of that matters in a scenario where money grabbing grifters employed a plot to finish the bastard and tormented a man into insanity.

CH and HH are very into “the jury decided” while simultaneously denying the jury also decided LK was the catalyst of the insanity.

That’s some nuclear powered denial and game playing going on there IMO.


MHG was interviewed by Sidelines magazine in early 2014. It was a puff piece in which she said her husband was the love of her life and she adored having children, but was frustrated that her career was not advancing as fast as she had hoped. She was off to spend the 2014 winter season in Wellington.

On the stand she said that her relationship with MB started in 2015. The MB/Vera divorce did not happen until 2017 or 2018.

2017 is not prior to 2015.

Did Vera and MB separate prior to 2015? It’s conceivable. It seems unlikely.

But keep asserting that MB was actually divorced prior to 2015.

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Anything to cast him in a bad light. Frankly, there is no light bad enough to make him look anywhere near as bad as the Kanareks.


Oh yeah, divorces can take ages. As we all know, often the mechanics of initiating one don’t formally begin until long after the relationship has withered to nothing.

Marriages come to an end every day and life goes on.

What doesn’t happen every day is the likes of clan Kanawreck. Walking, talking dumpster fires of human beings intent on FINISHING THE BASTARD. How anyone defends them, even for sport, is incomprehensible to me. And I’m glad I don’t get it.


Yes, many people care a great deal about him.

But why would you say he is “very strong mentally”? He has suffered from chronic depression, has mental issues stemming from childhood abuse, according to the Krol hearing, and had a mental breakdown that resulted in his shooting someone and ending up involuntarily committed to a psychiatric facility.


Your obsession with this is weird and ugly and does not detract that Lauren Shay Kanarek and her convicted felon paramour man servant Marine dropout drug addicts engaged in a smear and terror campaign to terrorize and destroy a man and others so that they could get what they were not entitled to and could NEVER earn on their own. IMO.


Why does it seem unlikely? I have a close friend who lived apart from his wife for years. She had shacked up with her horse trainer and just lived on the circuit basically for 3+ years while he decided whether or not to formally divorce and fight over money (he’s a high-wage earner, she just showed A/O and spent a lot of it). He did finally do it, and that was that.

That sort of thing happens ALL THE TIME.


Indeed. My own divorce happened 6 years after I kicked him out.


I don’t find the “other posters” who claimed there was another girlfriend between Vera and MHG trustworthy.

I’ve seen no information that MBs relationship with Vera had been “long over” prior to his relationship with MHG starting in 2015 (as she stated in court).

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I’m not dumping on either MHG or MB for having a relationship.

I’m pointing out that if he did leave his wife and successful business partner to pursue MHG, then she threatened to leave him if he didn’t get rid of LK immediately in Aug 2019, that’s a huge amount of psychological stress on a man who was mentally vulnerable.