Barisone- New Thread

Very interesting. In this case they might have needed multiple legal pads! Lol.

Now that I think of it, I would be curious to know if this courtroom’s no note policy is Covid related, since they are obviously still following some Covid protocols with the social distancing of the jury and all the Covid screens between the lawyers.

The process you described would have gone right out the window in a hurry at the start of the whole Covid thing, so maybe it has not been reinstated yet. Or maybe they never allowed notes in this courtroom, who knows. :woman_shrugging:

I would certainly want to be taking notes. The judge is obviously taking lots of notes, as we have heard all too well from the microphone near him.



According to a witness, maybe Tarshus but also the town authorities, everyone had moved out of the house well before they came to address the fire, septic etc issues. I believe they had returned to the farm when they came back from FL, and started out in the house.

So MB, MHG et al, moved out of the house …why?
What thing or things went on that made them do that?
Oh lordy, I wish there were tapes.

I wish that had been detailed more, in the entire timeline of events.


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I was once empaneled on the jury for a vehicular manslaughter case in NJ (they settled before opening statements) but now that I think about it, they told us we could not take notes.

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No, no, of course it isn’t. :roll_eyes:


I thought MB and MHG had only moved out of the house in the previous week or so, although I don’t recall if anyone mentioned an exact date.

It did seem odd that there was no specific reason given for that change, but maybe it wasn’t any one specific thing. Possibly just a snowball effect of everything.

Huh. Interesting, thanks.

That’s what I recollect as well.

I can’t remember where I read it - but I thought there were issues with LK standing outside the door to their (MB & MHG) part of the house, and screaming that she was going to ruin them. Or something to that effect. And… after that, MB & MHG moved to the barn.

I thought that JH and the working students were already staying in the barn - maybe there was an apartment there? Because the basement of the house was under construction that summer? I might be wrong, but that was my recollection -


I’m sorry, I am 1200 posts behind but wondering if anyone knows what time proceedings start today. Are closing arguments next or is there anything else left? Thanks!

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9 I believe


I just looked on the Law & Crime page. I don’t see anything up yet though. I was hoping they started back up at 9 -

Good lord this trial should code me in. I’ve never watched a trial this closely before. It’s pretty time consuming… but once I a started watching it, I couldn’t tear myself away. :upside_down_face: Glad they are finally at closing arguments.


MHG could have testified to that, as she would have actually been present for it.


It’s true though. That’s what I was thinking when watching the trial. Not politicizing, but you think what you want.


I know she did something similar at the barn… or maybe I e confused the locations?

Either way, who does that?? Yikes.
Too bad no one recorded her doing that.

Question, let’s say there were cameras, installed by MB or the farm LLC, that recorded bad behavior.
That could be admitted as evidence, couldn’t it?
It’s not hearsay.
But would the argument be that the victims aren’t on trial, and the burden be proving how it effected MB mental health?


What other thoughts do you have on the actual content of the testimony given in the trial?

Anyone else wondering if the fact that it is an ATTEMPTED murder charge, instead of an actual murder case, will make the jury more amenable to finding him not guilty by reason of insanity?

I think I saw stats that an insanity defense is only used in about 1% of all legal cases, and is successful about 26% of the time.

If she had actually died, I could imagine it would be an extra factor that weighed more heavily on the jury (emotionally speaking), and there would be a more intense need to find someone responsible.

Obligatory note - I’m not saying what happened to LK is no big deal… just that I suspect this defense might have had less chance of swaying the jury if she had actually died.


Lots actually. My comment was in response to Lauren’s mouth movements. Not politicized but take it as you wish.


I woke up with a thought about this whole thing this morning. I can’t speak for anyone else, but if I saw someone arrive at my dwelling with a gun in hand, I would get anyone else there and my dog, retreat into an inner room of said dwelling behind as many locked doors as I could and call 911. No way I would confront them. I just can’t understand confrontation under that scenario.

I hope the judge, attorneys and jury members are all at the top of their games today. I look forward to reading CoTH commentary at the end of the day, but would be very appreciative if the legal experts would take the time to outline the salient points in a separate thread at the end of the day for a more rapid review before wading into the detail.

In any event thanks to all.


If she had actually died, she wouldn’t have been able to testify. I think that is the biggest factor that will sway the outcome in this situation . :woman_shrugging:


Total yikes. Absolutely crazy behavior.

Even if they had LK on tape doing it, I think this judge would have refused to allow that evidence in trial. And refused to allow MHG to testify to it. He would have declared it irrelevant to the facts of the case.

It seems like the judge kept things very narrowly focused. Which… I can understand intellectually. But… I find frustrating on an emotional level, after seeing the much broader scope of LKs behavior.

I do think, after watching the charging conference, that if this case was all about aggravated assault, and attempted aggravated assault? Maybe the way the judge kept the scope so narrow would have been less frustrating to me. But as it currently is, with MB looking at a potential life sentence… sheesh. This was really tough to watch.


Her mouth moves a bit like Pelosi’s. Highly doubt Pelosi is a coke addict though.:sweat_smile:
Edited to add that this is not meant to be political.

We have been wondering about NP (not NP the Maestro :laughing:) since watching her during several State of the Union addresses the past few years. It was interesting to see similar mouth movements from LK during this trial. So they either both got peanut butter underneath their dentures or there was some other “issue” causing the movements.

And no, not trying to politicize this thread. :upside_down_face: