Barisone- New Thread

I am on pins and needles. And cannot wait for trial to be over so that I can get back to my life. :sweat_smile:


Good point!

Listening to her and watching her? Definitely makes an impression.



Agreed, plus the pizza. My god, the pizza is absolutely the best. De Lorenzo’s, once located in Chambersburg/Trenton now in Robbinsville? Chef’s kiss.


This is fair. I only lived in Philadelphia for about 18 months with my husband when we were first married, and I lived in New York City for 1 year ages ago during college…

But pizza is now ruined for me. It’s so.much.better. in NYC/NJ/ and Philadelphia.



I wonder what time he and JK were at the house the day after, on 8/8/19.

Omg. Pony club fail for sure.


Yeah - seriously. My kids are off from school for spring break this week, and sleeping in this morning. I’m going to have to get my rump in gear for the rest of the week with them though, keeping it fun and busy :upside_down_face:

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Only 45 minutes to go. Tick, tock!

I hope Mr. B had a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast.

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Did you see a reason for her to go all crazy on him the day before when she would not let him into his truck to leave?
Do you see a reason for her to plant recording devices and post nasty things all over social media threatening him?
LK and clan do not need what a normal person would consider a reason to do horrible things.

Do they even offer a healthy breakfast in jail?


We lived in Trenton then NYC during the early years of our marriage, then returned to NC. There’s maybe one place in the entire state that is close to what we enjoyed at an AVERAGE NJ pizzeria.

Oh, and to be on topic, what time do the summations start?

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Probably not.

I was actually referring to his lawyer.


It’s supposed to start at 9:00.

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Was wondering – when LK first moved to the farm, she brought 2 horses, correct? And in the trial she said she had 6. When did she acquire these extra 4 – was it when this was all going down? And they went to MB’s in the midst of all of it?

Also, she has said that SHE was being terrorized by him (I’m being bullied by a 6’3" man …) . Where were the character witnesses for the prosecution backing this claim up? Did I miss it or were there not any? I mean, other than her and RB who aren’t credible.


I think that’s correct.

I believe the previous summer in 2018, MB and MHG were staying in the barn apartment. JH was in the upstairs apartment at the house, with LK/RG staying on the main floor and the working students in the basement.

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I have a cousin who is a retired judge from NJ, not Morris County, not criminal, doesn’t know the parties. Their Honor Judge Cousin Wicky (ret) says “I do not know if the rules have changed, but when I presided over jury trials over a decade ago, the use of notes was discretionary. It depended on the discussion the lawyers had with the judge…”


My only contribution to these threads, I fear.


Re: the notetaking, based on my 10-second free law degree from Google, Google, and Google, LLC, note-taking is permitted, but only at the judge’s discretion in NJ.,to%20reach%20a%20rational%20verdict.


9 am

I feel your pizza pain. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: We have a place in my town that is owned and run by a guy from NYC. And it’s pretty decent. But not even close to the “real deal.” It’s a mystery to me what happens when pizza leaves the NY/NJ/Phi area… it just stops being all that it can be. :cry:


Maybe this judge wants to make the jury more reliant on his instructions than their own notes and memories.


I think she’s sucking on her teeth which I have seen with many an old folk!