Barisone- New Thread

Is the jury sequestered? It’s also possible the judge wants to make sure no notes escape the courtroom (even though it’s televised). If it isn’t, I assume they have strict instructions to limit themselves to exposure to outside media.

I’d just like to point out that many of the badly behaved individuals in this case are NOT ORIGINALLY FROM NJ but came from out-of-state! Although I am disappointed (to put it mildly) that it came to this after months of conflict, and there was no intervention by the authorities.

Also, bagels! We do have the best bagels!


I’m pretty sure they’re not sequestered, since at the end of the day Thursday, the judge told them to go home and have a nice weekend.

I’m sure they are under strict instructions about limiting their outside information. However, I have to think it is only on the honor system, so… :woman_shrugging:


She bought one from Michael, brought up her retired mare, and was in the process of importing another from Europe. Her 6th horse stayed back in NC.

ETA - 6 horses, oy gevalt. I’m almost at my wits end with two.


So I was reading some of the original Woman shot at Barisone Farm thread yesterday, to try and suss out details of LKs claim that $50,000 was owed RH, and I think I have the timing of the arrival of extra horses down.

She arrived with two in April. Board was set at $2500 each, and LK & RG were allowed to stay in the top floor apartment of the house free of charge.

In May or June, she bought a horse, Jay-T, from MB. The purchase price was allegedly $40,000. The horse was a teenaged schoolmaster, but had some soundness/maintenance issues. Part of the deal involved free board for life at MBs for that horse.

In June, she brought another horse - Symphony, to MBs farm. Symphony was a mare LK already owned, but had been keeping elsewhere (maybe in NC?). Symphony was 20ish, and also had soundness issues. She had chronic cellulitis in one leg, and required a standing wrap to be on and off 12x12 each day. In mid July, LK imported a new mare from Holland. That mare was in quarantine when things started to go REALLY BAD at the end of July. I’m not sure that mare ever made it to MBs before the shooting. LK made claims that MB wanted that horse to get to the farm though… and that he or MHG somehow wanted it for MHG.

I think there might have been one more horse, a retiree owned by LK, that was still somewhere in NC that summer. But… she wanted to bring that horse up to the farm as well? It’s a little vague.

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Haha yes seriously! I’m kind of grateful that work/life got busy for me last week because week 1 was such a major time sink and I kind of needed to tear myself away. I do want to watch today if I can though!

ETA: I’ve watched/participated in full trials before for work but none of the witnesses have been as colorful as in this one. Boundary pushing by attorneys and questionable rulings by judges are pretty much par for the course though. I’ve seen judges whose background is in civil law interpret criminal laws in a completely different way than everyone else has been reading them for years, and that can be very frustrating when it changes the entire direction of a case.


Maybe MB was misquoted, maybe NC is where pizza dreams go to die. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: (Trying for a little levity there, hope it is not inappropriate.)

I grew up in Northern NJ, but moved south 40 + years ago. I still grieve the pizza and bagels. And hard rolls.

Re: the odd jaw thing. Someone upthread mentioned tardive dyskinesia, a side effect of certain anti-psychotic meds. People can develop facial tics like lip-smacking, tongue thrusting and rapid blinking. I think this is the most likely explanation for Lauren’s behavior.

(The Speaker of the House’s is mostly likely related to dentures, but I have never observed the behavior that others have mentioned.)


The retiree is still in NC.


Aren’t there, though?

Chicago says “hold my beer.”



Not so fast! I think LK is originally from NJ - moved to NC for years as a young adult, then moved back to NJ. I think RG might originally be from NJ as well - he has a substantial arrest record in the state. But LK definitely grew up there, and attended school there.

I will refrain from violating forum rules and repeating horrible rumors that are circulating publicly on the internet concerning her “claim to fame” from her school years in the East Brunswick area.


thanks. ok so that tracks with what I had heard from someone this weekend – that the mare was in quarantine at JFK when she got shot. And that MB wanted the horse at the farm. Which is crazy considering everything was going to hell.

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Link Please if possible
I can’t find it today🤦‍♀️

The charge conference was Friday (Day 10). The Law & Crime site has not yet updated to “today”.


Ooh good call, thanks! That’s weird because every other day that link has worked for me. ETA: deleted my post with the link so as to minimize confusion…these threads are confusing enough already lol.

Here is today


And Jewish rye bread. I spent the winter in the South and couldn’t find a decent loaf of rye bread to save my life.


no, no tapes of what was going on in the house before MB and MHG moved out to the barn, that I’m aware of.

If she had died, she would not have been able to give her very bad testimony. Everyone could have assumed she was an angel and the stories about her were just exaggerated. With her on the stand, there were no illusions. I think her testimony helped the defense more than the prosecution


I have a question. If he is found guilty of aggravated assault, with or without diminished capacity (which I personally think would be the appropriate finding, though I could also see NG due to reasonable doubt of the course of events), is there any chance of SafeSport considering the extenuating circumstances of the shooting? Would they consider suspending for a few years as a kind of probation, or allowing an appeal based on an updated psych eval after a few years?

It just seems to me that the events leading to this incident are unlikely to be repeated, which is a lot different than a sexual predator.



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