Barisone- New Thread

They are up now, just discussing jury instructions / charges.

Nobody can find it
Where is it Live
Keeps taking us to say 10

All that rage has gotta go somewhere! But I’m a Garden State Parkway girl, so I’m way more mellow.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

For some reason on your link, I can watch and listen to it without leaving this thread for the first time. Fabulous!

Hoo boy. From the sounds of this discussion so far, the jury could have slept in a bit while the lawyers and the judge hash out all this stuff.


Plan of day is Summations, then break early for lunch, then jury instructions, from my understanding.

BTW - “Summations” means closing arguments :slight_smile:

Judge said he was going to wait to see how long closings last, he may do instructions before lunch…or break for early lunch and then do them after lunch.

He will make his decision after closings.


I eventually figured out to scroll down to find the channel C link - I’m watching on youtube on a firestick, so less intuitive than a computer or phone.

Here we go!

This seems strange that the defense starts closing first


I feel like the judge was taking one last quick look at the YouTube comments on his computer before the jury came in. Lol.


Wow! NJ does it differently…in Michigan when we have closings the prosecutor speaks, then defense, then prosecutor speaks again and gets to close.


Definitely not how we do it here in Michigan!

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This was the order for the federal trial I was on.

MB looks like he’s going to throw up. Poor man.


It’s too early for this much anxiety. :laughing:


Oh gotcha. I’m not as familiar with Federal cases as I am state.

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Just for clarity, we had P, D, P same as you described.

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Maybe it’s because they are presenting an affirmative defense of NGI in this case?