Barisone- New Thread

Considering Rosie’s owners her behavior doesn’t surprise me.



I wish B would have brought up how could MB been bitten from the front when he was laying on his stomach. I hope the jury is wondering about that.


Maybe 48 Hours has a camera trained on her for later.


To be fair to Rosie, three of those four bites were in the middle of a screaming melee with her hysterical owners involved.

But that still leaves the bite to RC. And that’s just what we’ve heard about in the trial.


I keep loosing the audio. Is that happening to anyone else or is it my computer.

Good old Bob Abooey (the troll from L&C comments) is in the Husel trial chat saying he’s a criminal defense attorney and that B is on his knees begging the MB jury🙄


I’ve had no problems with the audio. Knock wood!!!

That’s horrific, no fighting dog should ever be rehomed. Way to dangerous and unpredictable
ETA I don’t blame the dogs I BLAME the horrific people who fight them, but the animals are so damaged mentally and emotionally that they aren’t ever safe


Holy cow.

Bob Abooey has been active all weekend. Threatening to report other commenters to the judge. Multiple people on L&C have called out the account, and told them they know it’s LK.


They claim it was used as a bait dog. It’s a pit mix. I have no idea. It’s an extremely aggressive dog though. That they just chucked in the yard and allowed to roam at will.

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So very sorry about your cat and your child and that dog. Horrible.


Oooh. Good line about RG, pointing his finger in the shape of a gun, and saying “Get Ready.”


Mr. B has been talking for an hour now, but I think he still has the jury paying attention.


He’s gunna have to wrap it up pretty soon or risk losing the jury’s concentration.


Uggh. Bilinkas misspoke there. About the SafeSport complaint.

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It hasn’t felt like an hour to me. It’s been compelling IMO.


Agree… he had a fabulous first half… he’s tapering off after the Psychologist debating…

I’m very sad I have a meeting now and will be 30mins behind on the prosecution. I’m just SO curious on what he will convince me on, or not. I have a feeling this will come down to the letter of the law.


Is there an easy way to find all of someone’s comments on youtube?

I think that’s fine and a reasonable position to take. However, if that person’s recollection and that of her boyfriend/retainer is the ONLY evidence you have of what happened, it’s simply not reasonable to convict on that.

If it was your dad, son, brother, husband, friend, etc. be honest, would you want them in prison for the rest of their life on the mixed up, muddled, mismatched stories of LK and RG? Would that seem fair or reasonable to you?

Or, would you have reasonable doubt because there was NO FORENSIC EVIDENCE done on the hands of the people - including Barisone - or the gun? Would you go, wait, the prosecution is saying three shots but only showed me two casings? Would you say, why did they search his vehicle and not theirs?

No one says LK has to have perfect recall (though she claimed on here repeatedly that she did). But it does not follow that a man needs to go to prison based on that totally understandable imperfect recall. That’s why the police do all that forensic testing.

But, here, they didn’t. No reason given; they simply didn’t.


“She had a plan “! Mr B