Barisone- New Thread

Oh my god that is horrible!

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Omg. Mr. B says MB could have come up with a better story if he tried for just a moment. Exactly what I said over the weekend! Lol.


Our two other barn cats disappeared during the same month. We found one of their bodies, 50 yards away from the dog owning neighbor’s yard, in another neighbors back yard.

The dog owning neighbors have never apologized for any of it. Even though they knew my children loved those cats. They are total a$$holes.

The moral of the story? Don’t let your freaking dogs roam. Especially if they have any history of aggression.


I would believe that you, @MHM, and Blinikins had a drink or cup of coffee this weekend—hmmmmm!


No, they absolutely were not just thrown into a backyard. They spent a long time at a rescue being evaluated and acclimated. The adopters were carefully screened. I imagine that if there was a problem, the rescue would take them back. My response is to RPI’s statement that these dogs should never be adopted out. These dogs were but there was a responsible rescue(s) involved in their rehabilitation.

Edited because I have never learned to read before posting.


“Find Michael Barisone not guilty. It is the right and just thing to do.”

I like that he left it up to the jury, to find him NGI, or simply NG.

Very powerful last part of the closing.


Highlights of defense closing:

Thanks jurors for their service.

Pros say MB drove there angrily but the record does not support this, even RG says he was calm and sorrowful. LK was the one who was pissed and came stomping down to confront MB, like “Miss Bad Ass,” similar to earlier confrontation where she got up in MB’s face and prevented him from leaving.

Re: law of insanity, def must have knowledge of wrongdoing. NG by insanity does not mean he will be freed or committed indefinitely.

Case is not as cut and dried as pros suggested. State has not met its burden and MB should be found NG.

“It’s horrible that LK was shot. No person should have to go through that.”

The only evidence as to how the shooting occurred all comes from LK and RG, two people with motive to lie, who have changed their stories, and who have lied under oath in this courtroom. “False in one, false in all” doctrine says you can disregard entire testimony of someone who lies under oath. Reasonable doubt can arise from the evidence itself or lack of evidence.

LK and RG admitted to plan to destroy MB. Questions about timing of beating, dog bites, etc.

Where is the video? Why didn’t anyone from Blink testify about camera settings, video retention, etc? Doesn’t it seem like too much of a coincidence that RG happened to just turn off that video?

Reference to LK wanting to “finish” MB and disable his cameras.

Lack of evidence calls into question the entire sequence of events and amounts to reasonable doubt. Reasonable doubt begins when the camera is shut off.

When police arrive the gun is on the ground. Why didn’t they do DNA and fingerprint testing on gun, magazines, casings? Why didn’t they test MB’s hands for GSR as requested in the warrant? Why didn’t they ask for GSR testing of LK or RG?

Pros wants you to rely on LK and RG, but crime scene investigation conflicts with their testimony. They say 3 shots were fired but only 2 casings were found. LK and RG are lying about the third shot. Is it possible that one shot that went through LK went through the door? If there’s no third shot there’s no att murder on RG.

LK made a conscious decision to try to destroy someone. Who does that? It came out on cross that prior to shooting LK was planning to sue MB, and is currently suing him–she has a financial interest in outcome. If you find that she intentionally lied to you, disregard her testimony.

Judge allowed certain evidence in to impeach LK or to go to MB’s state of mind. LK lied to you numerous times:

  • LK lied about where recordings were made (locker in stable)

[Missed some stuff here–had to take a phone call]

Ed David: Testified on phone that he heard struggle and then a shot. In original statement he wasn’t sure it was a shot but now he says it was a shot.

MHG, Mary di Franco, Steven Tarshis all testified that they had private conversations with MB in office (>100 ft from locker) and clubroom (40 ft from locker), and after those conversations LK posted their exact words.

  • LK lied about social media posts. When confronted with something damaging to her testimony, she originally denied making the post until shown it, and then she said, “Probably” (16 times), “I don’t recall,” or “If that’s what it says.”

  • LK said she couldn’t leave due to difficulty moving horses. Tarshis testified he told her he found her another comparable training situation just down the road.

  • LK said she was never asked to leave. Tarshis testified that he served her with an eviction notice, whether it was a “dummy complaint” or not.

  • LK testified that her complaint to the town was based on the faulty dryer. Really it was justpart of her plan to destroy MB. Just pull the plug out–you don’t need to write a 2-page letter.

  • LK said no when asked if she called DYFS. When confronted with her own phone records showing she had searched for the number twice, she said JH must have stolen her phone.

  • In 9/7 statement to prosecutor she said she disappeared somewhere, then testified here that she meant she disappeared somewhere in her mind. Did not mention in original statement or on direct that she beat MB for 7 minutes. Testified here about going up and down the stairs, but never mentioned that in original statement–that must have been before any shots. In original statement said RG was in house at the time of the shooting and after being shot she ran to the door and told him not to come out. Here she said he was outside.

Questions about crime scene:

Location of MB’s phone at crime scene should bother you. How did it get on that round metal table near the bush?

How did LK and RG’s phones get to the base of the umbrella stand? That is totally inconsistent and is reasonable doubt. Disputes LK/RG testimony.

Re: use of phones, LK says she’s holding RG’s phone when she’s shot because she’s on the phone with her civil lawyer (red flag on its own). After being shot she puts phone down, walks over, climbs up the stairs, and grabs her phone. Tries to call 911 but phone won’t work so she puts it down on the top landing. Walks back down stairs to where she put RG’s phone down, picks it up, and calls 911. During call she hands phone to RG. Then walks back up stairs, retrieves her phone, walks down the stairs, walks over to MB and RG, and starts beating MB with her phone for 7 minutes. How did phones get on umbrella stand 12-14 yards away? Is it physically impossible for someone to be shot in chest twice and do all that?

Re: RG’s testimony, he is living off LK. He’s one of the people (along with JK) who had a plan to destroy MB. He bought cameras, secreted recorders, wrote letter to town, turned off camera. In original statement he said he heard shots, now he says he saw MB shooting. RG disputed pros’s statement that MB was angry. But he also lied to you about recordings, which were clearly not all made from LK’s locker. In his original statement he also said LK disappeared. Here he testified that LK only hit MB in the face a few times, inconsistent with the 7 minutes LK posted about.

Neither mentioned their dog had attacked MB. Dr testified that MB had numerous puncture wounds, including to the inside of his groin. How/when did that happen? Why didn’t LK/RG mention the dog was mauling MB? Dog attacked everyone. “It’s name is Rosie–I’m calling it Cujo!”

Defense’s two experts are more qualified and compelling than state’s one expert. Spent more time with MB and did more comprehensive evaluation. Simring saw MB within month of incident. Consider that defense experts do work both for prosecutors and defense lawyers.

State expert Schlesinger says he disagrees with Simring’s diagnosis but never explained why, though he had no problem attacking Hasson (almost seemed like a personal attack). Schlesinger only spent 13 hours on MB–Simring spent 30+.

Schlesinger’s testimony appeared scripted. Cited lots of studies but there are an equal number of studies saying the opposite thing. Schlesinger is basically a hired gun for prosecutor’s offices. Defense experts do work for both sides. Schlesinger said first third of his career was defense, second third was both, current third is prosecution.

Schlesinger did shorter version of tests. Hasson took Schlesinger’s data, put it in a program, and got a different result. Hasson also did many more tests.

Schlesinger’s entire diagnosis should be thrown out because he never talked to MB’s therapist of 20 years, whom Simring and Hasson both interviewed. Prior psychiatric history is important. Therapist provided defense experts with important info about traumatic childhood events (physical abuse by mother, sexual molestation) that could have made MB more susceptible to psychiatric problems later in life. Schlesinger never mentioned MB had had prior delusions.

Schlesinger’s position is that MB’s and other’s fears about LK’s threat to kill are real. Is he saying LK and RG had the wherewithal to kill MB, MHG, and their children? If that’s so why didn’t the police/prosecutors intercede when MB asked for help before incident? Schlesinger says that because other people felt threatened, that proves his point, but that’s ridiculous because every person is different. Compares MHG’s fear to MB curling up in fetal position crying. As owner of farm/business, MB was not in a position to leave and had more to lose than others. Need to consider that as well as MB’s psychiatric history.

Pros will suggest SafeSport complaint is why MB wanted to kill LK. Well MB also filed complaint against LK so does she then have a motive to kill him? Can’t have it both ways.

No one but MB called 911 on 4 occasions, was turned away, felt helpless, hired security guard, hired a lawyer, etc.

LK had a plan to destroy and scare MB. Why would she do and say everything except if trying to drive someone over the edge? LK knew he was emotionally unstable.

People are afraid LK/RG are going to burn the barn down or hurt the horses. Why is RC sleeping in front of the stables? Is it realistic to think MB, after already fleeing his house, would leave the property altogether? He wasn’t sleeping because he was wandering the property at night trying to protect everyone.

LK led DYFS to be called. MB told all the psych experts he heard LK talking about sexual misconduct and that’s when he had the breakdown.

Numerous witnesses testified to MB’s declining mental state prior to incident–not just something we’re setting forth after the fact. All 23-24 defense witnesses testified to observations about his decline. Goes into detail about the observations.

Their plan worked. They drove him crazy.

Shows photos of MB’s injuries. State will suggest that after being beaten, choked to unconsciousness, etc MB made up a story about not remembering anything. He has been consistent about not remembering anything. MB’s rambling statements made shortly after the incident (“I had a good life,” “I’m sorry,” etc) were not an admission of guilt. MB was given fentanyl before the “I’m sorry” statement. Officers testified he was incoherent, saying “Is this real?” etc.

MB could have made up a much better story about self-defense than “I don’t remember.” His lack of memory ties his hands. Loss of memory was real, caused either by beating or by psychological breakdown. Hasson even did specific tests for feigning.

Ask you to listen carefully to judges instruction on insanity. Defense has clearly established that MB was insane at the time of the incident. Don’t let LK and RG use you to complete their plan, to “finish the bastard.” Find MB not guilty.

[Disclaimer: it was long and I did the best I could to capture the highlights.]


When do they resume?

Ok, just about exactly an hour and a half for defense summation. At the end, he wrapped up by saying LK/RG/JK had a plan to destroy MB, and told the jury, “Don’t let them use you to help them ‘finish the bastard.’”

That was powerful.


That was a masterpiece. It made me cry at the end. Wow is all I can say……


He didn’t say.

We did not, but great minds think alike. Lol.

I also said on here he was welcome to use any of my ideas, so who knows? Lol.


Excellent summary! Thank you for doing that!!


Does anyone know where LK boards now? I’m wondering who would take her on as a training client.



Thanks for this - I’m stuck doing actual work today, and no time to watch trial. Seems very powerful.


It was discussed at length in the previous thread. Prob about halfway through.

I don’t want to use the farm name again, as those poor people are probably getting enough backlash already.


Super summation. Wish that was that.


PERFECTION. I can’t think of anything Bilinkas left out. Damn, he truly lived up to his amazing reputation. Can’t ask for more from him IMO.


There is no effing evidence Shellhorn!!!