Barisone- New Thread

Yes please do. I was reading the live chat before it got shut down and it seemed a group of avid true crime fans who mostly knew each other and were quite congenial. So I expect it was the same on the other trial live chats too. I’m sure they were not thrilled with a newbie coming in like a ‘bada$$’ and slinging insults and whatnot.


Now RG was struggling for his life?


Not to mention the cops only testified to placing a plastic bag on top of the phones to keep off the rain, not to moving the phones themselves. If they moved the phones to save them from the rain, they should have just stated that right from the start, the same way they discussed placing that canister on top of the first shell casing.


“Nipping” again. Ugggh. If a dog breaks the skin, it’s a BITE. A full blown BITE.

People should not minimize dog bites. Period.


Good to know, I guess?

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If I are on the jury I would take that as another reason for the defense. That the police basically contaminated the scene by moving the phones. Wow!


Sounds like the prosecution didn’t hear the same trial as the rest of us either.


Agree! Even a “bump” from a dog can be a very aggressive signal.


This is total BS. MB did not tell Steven Tarshis to send LK a fake eviction.

Really?!?! “The defendant is doing the exact same thing to her.”

Uhhhh total BULL.

I think Bilinkas gets to go one more time, as rebuttal. I hope so.


Excellent question.

I also rolled my eyes quite a bit at the prosecutor talking about his own dogs playing with his own kids. If he has a dog like Rosie playing with his kids, someone should call child protection service on him.


This is LK’s claim, 100%. MB wasn’t really trying to evict her, he just wanted to make a show to MHG….


OMG. Comparing LK to MHG as a rider? LK felt that she was a peer of MHG, and that’s why she didn’t want to ride with her?

Wow. Ridiculous.


Wait, he said LK and MHG were on the same level and competitive? I’m not super attentive to dressage but… what? LOL


I don’t remember seeing the pictures of MB’s face (to us) in the trial. Those pictures were brutal!


If this is their whole point, we can only hope there is one law abiding gun owner in that jury to point out just how ridiculous that is.


LKs “riding career” was being “threatened.”


Schellhorn is reminding me of… me. Getting called on in class (a long time ago) to give my oral presentation of some assignment I had not actually completed - and standing there and adding fluff and filler to pad things out - i.e. Schellhorn discussing LK’s riding career when he has zero understanding of dressage or the riding abilities of those involved… or how his doggie played with his kids.

Edited to fix Shellhorn… which should be Schellhorn.


She didn’t even show up for lessons


Highlights of prosecutor’s closing statement up to 11:39 am:

Verdict needs to be about the evidence, not personal feelings about MB, witnesses, lawyers, etc. No jury ever told how to deliberate. Pros will give blueprint for how to apply facts to law.

Start with pros burden to prove MB guilty. Then address defense burden to prove NG by insanity.

Jury instructions say use of deadly weapon allows you to infer that def’s purpose was to cause death. Def didn’t use shovel, tire iron, etc in his truck or rake, flowerpots, chairs, etc in patio area. MB picked deadly weapon before he even drove there, out of his safe. Shows gun. MB had his own guns. One had no firing pin, there was no ammo for another one, and a third was a single-action revolver (longer to load, have to cock each time, can only hold 6 rounds). Shows pic of safe with open box of 9 mm right under Ruger case, with orange safety magazine next to case. This shows MB didn’t choose the gun when he arrived at the house.

2 things to prove WRT att murder:

  1. def’s purpose was to cause death

  2. def took substantial step

MB and LK hadn’t even seen each other that day. Shooting happened 1/4 mile away from barn where the gun was.

Re: credibility of the witnesses, jury is sole determiner of credibility.

LK had two bullet holes in chest/clothing and there was one hole in house. Def says one of those two bullets somehow then went through the house–is this reasonable? Analysis shows bullet that hit house was fired somewhere along line near bush.

When police arrived, gun found underneath 6’4" MB. RG literally struggling for his life, waiting for help to arrive. Heymer is the one who says, “If you move I’ll f’ing kill you.” 911 call corroborates LK/RG. They didn’t have time to run around planting evidence. MB’s cell phone was on table right near the bush. Isn’t it more probable that one of the many people on scene moved LK/RG’s phones than that LK/RG ran around staging the scene?

Scene got compromised by pouring rain. Def says they didn’t look for fingerprints on the soaking wet shell cases. GSR is just a tool, doesn’t show who shooter was.

Back to credibility… When LK is bleeding out her memories of time might not be accurate–probably felt longer than it was. Is LK acting during 911 call? Def closing argument is not evidence–your recollection of what LK testified to is what matters.

Re: the dog. You heard “Cujo” barking, yapping on 911 call. Isn’t it logical that during the struggle after the shots is when the dog bites occur?

Re: Steven Tarshis. Very prepared, professional, knowledgeable. On direct he testified that he sent a letter. It wasn’t until cross that he said the letter was not a real eviction notice and that MB wanted to scare LK into leaving. Must question everything every witness said, not just LK/RG.

In texts MHG said LK still hadn’t been asked to leave. MB replied, “Monday morning,” but his response was to send a fake eviction notice.

What was happening on the farm leading up to this was all about emotions.

Discussion of the various levels of riders. Mary Di Franco a person with means to own many horses, Tarshis an “enthusiast” with realistic ambitions, LK and MHG with higher aspirations, and at the top PD, BM, and AB (people with power in the sport testifying on MB’s behalf). MB tells MHG he is out to get LK a lifetime ban, and here testifying on his behalf are people at the top of the sport. MB was doing same things to LK that LK was doing to MB.

[I have to go so maybe someone else can take over please!]


Oh wow. Now the PROSECUTOR is bringing up the USEF board of directors? This guy has clearly talked with LK and drank her koolaid.