Yes, finger prints and all that stuff in NY.
Still lots of people with legally owned guns, even with all the hoops they have to jump thru to get them.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that there is at least one legal gun owner on that jury who is angry that the prosecution is saying simply having a gun shows intent.
Edit to add the words legally owned in front of guns, to make that part clear.
Me as a juror: So, next step: please show me evidence of who shot the gun. I’m sure you have GSR testing and finger printing of the gun - probably DNA, right? What? No? None of that? Um, why?
You know one of the big stats in the US is how many people are shot with their own guns. Just having a gun or bringing it somewhere does not mean you shot it if/when it is shot. That’s why police do all that testing. Except here, they simply didn’t.
I dabble in hand therapy (as an Occupational Therapist) and this does look like a surgical bandage. What for? Can’t tell you. But I’ve 100% seen people walk into the clinic with this in the weeks after surgery.
ETA: And yes, I sometimes judge the surgical nurse’s wrapping skills and think they need to up their game at times