Chicago has very strict gun laws, but the gangs just drive to the South and buy a bunch to sell. In California they tend to go to New Mexico. Completely untraceable, I’m told.
I think there is a good chance MB was thinking murder- suicide, too, personally.
Huh? Did I miss Schellhorn present ANY evidence tying MB to the shooting???
I dont.
They are back discussing jury instructions
I was thinking just suicide. No evidence was presented that he knew they were at the house. And I believe the state psych said that RC told him that the child abuse report to SS/CPS would be indefensible….
VA laws have tightened up but until a year or so we were a major source of guns in NY and NJ.
Also cigarettes
OK. Here is the comment from one of the L&C users over the weekend about Bob Abooey. I think it was @Syrynx , or maybe @ScaredOfHorses , who was following this issue?
This comment was in reply to another user, who had just been threatened by Bob Abooey with respect to a previous comment that user had made, when they declared the judge a joke or something.
Ratiya Tangmanee • 2d ago
Hi, i noticed that one of your
comments in this Youtube Video
page has had a threatening
comment by someone (I do not want
to say his name because I do not
want to give that person any
attention) who wrote about he was
going to report you to the Judge of
this case over what you wrote in
main comment section of this video
page (in your another comment in
That person is stalking me online and
trying to provoke me in my other
posts in other video of this case in
this channel.
1 am in the UK and I will be reporting
this person’s conduct to the police
over stalking me. I want to ask for
your permission over adding that
particular post as an evidence to
show how this person goes around
threatening, intimidating and stalking
people. Please do not worry if you
decline. Also, I just want to say that
we all have a right to express our
opinion without feeling threatened
and intimidated or being suppressed
by threat or being bullied online. We
should feel safe being online with no
one to make threat to us.
I had the same thought as soon as the child protective service witness mentioned it.
Here we go. JK’s spin doctor.
I can’t believe the judge and lawyers are still wrangling about this stuff. When do they eat lunch?
Welcome to our world, Ratiya!!
How ironic would it be if a certain someone ended up with an online stalking/harassment conviction because of the trial where they were a victim?
I wonder what the odds are that the jury could find him not guilty for the attempted murder, but still feel the need to find him guilty on the gun charges.
I can see that happening. I would consider voting that way as a juror.
I wonder if this person knows her conversation is on the live feed. I’m guessing probably not. Lol.
Would that prevent MB from owning a gun in the future? That might be for the best…
Possibly. I am not at all familiar with the gun laws.