Barisone- New Thread

Did the prosecutor actually imply that she was trying to get to the Olympics? bwahahahaha yeah only if the ride times start sometime in the afternoon 'cause she’ll be sleeping in. :rofl:


What is it we are waiting for the judge to decide something?

That’s for the Johnny Depp / Amber Heard trial, I believe.


I posted this earlier but I think it may have been buried when the summation started. Just thinking ahead to some of the possible outcomes.


Didn’t the horse sports go late in Tokyo because of the heat in the middle of the day? Maybe it could work out. Lol.

Although the same thing probably will not apply in Paris or Los Angeles.


I can’t edit, sorry, ignore me

You just made me spit my coffee lol

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so, all the actual, multiple medal’d olympians who train with MB who was only an alternate???


So are we waiting for a judge decision, lunch, or is the jury out now?

If 48 hours is out there investigating… they HAVE to look into this. No matter which way this verdict goes… if LK is truly the person behind the Bob Abooey account, and she took to YouTube to harass, argue, cyberstalk and threaten various random people who were commenting on THIS TRIAL, and voicing opinions that supported the defense?

That is truly epic. It would be quite the way to close out the episode. All about an unrepentant, incorrigible sociopath, who uses social media to go after anyone and everyone. Even after being shot twice in the chest. She’s still going for it …


flowerpots? where?
I guess he could have defended himself with the cancer sticks littering the area?


I agree, but in his distressed delusional mental state coupled w/depression… He wasn’t thinking rationally. He may not have behaved rationally.

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They’re on lunch break, back at 1.15 EST

I think they’d be smart to make this one more than one episode…


ICYMI, you can follow this Twitter account and get notified when they have a verdict.


Oh - that’s awesome!!! Thank you :slight_smile:

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Is there any possible way somebody could please post the link again for the correct live stream channel so I don’t have to scroll back 1000 posts to try to find it from this morning? Lol.

Thanks in advance.

1:15pm Judge reads the jury instructions…coming up.

The camera woman at Amber Heard trial was having a B fit over her background peeps in her ear hahahahahah

All the British detective shows that I watch use tents to preserve the evidence when it rains. Lol