Barisone- New Thread

Law & Crime Network Channel C.


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Just finished watching Mr B’s closing argument and catching up on here. You guys have already discussed the finer points really well. All I can add is, wow. That was powerful.



You are welcome!

I want them to go way back. I’m curious as to how these two lovebirds met. I also want to know when, and why they acquired Rosie. The other dog is a chi or some other purse dog, if I recall from her Insta.

Her Insta acct went way back, and no mention of riding. I think she’s pretty new to the sport. Just buys made horses and rides in an elephant basket. And of course, originally, many quality lessons.

“Dirty Laundry” would be a good theme song. I know it’s about 10pm news casts but media just the same.


I wonder if they have one reporter who has to jump back and forth throughout the day to comment on different cases. That seems to me like a recipe for confusion.

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Nope, you have to register a handgun in Michigan.

well, no offense to them, but shouldn’t she be with a better trainer now?
Oh wait, is she using the NP, “The Dressage judges are all against me” excuse?


I believe the prosecutor mentioned the testimony that the CPS worker gave about MB kissing MHG on his way out of the office to get in his truck that day. As if that proved he knew what he was about to do.


If I were a boarder at Paradigm, I’d be quickly and quietly finding a new place to board. No way I’d want to risk becoming LK’s next target.


Shes been competing since at least 2015.


Well, she did say in her testimony under oath on the stand that the dressage judges are influenced by who the trainer is. So… maybe?


That’s new to horses in my world.


I meant you have to register and receive an additional permit as an owner, not just register gun itself.

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Fair enough

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Oh so we can’t change DEFENSE things after the evidence is complete, but we can completely change the proposed charges.

Righteo there, judge.


No. The prosecution has the burden to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, therefore, they get the last word.

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With no actual legal knowledge, it seems to me like the judge pretty consistently seems to find reasons to exclude information that could help the defense.


kill himself?
I know what you’re saying that they are trying to say, but… puhleez.

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