Barisone- New Thread

Did they ever say what was decided about the possibility of adding assault charges? If so, I missed it.

Perhaps the kiss was just a way to offer her support and encouragement for what had to be a stressful time for her.


I missed it too but the jury instructions are about to start.

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Does anyone have screenshots of the comments posted?? I’m intrigued…

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Whew, the next hour or so it takes for the judge to deliver instructions is going to go so slow.


I don’t know if that was even the prosecutor’s implication. More that MB knew he was going there with a gun to take action or whatever. So that meant he understood the nature of his actions.


They’ve been shared on this thread. Lots of them. And the previous one:-) I used the text - I’m technologically inept and seem unable to figure out how to upload my screenshots to the forums -

Clearly that concept was foreign to the prosecutor. :roll_eyes:


Lol! Thank you! I will go digging :slight_smile:

This part is usually quite boring, but, like jury selection, it is one of the most important parts of a trial. Sometimes they release a copy of the jury instructions right after they are read and a news source posts them.


The opposite of the Mr. B effect. Lol.

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Sorry! I think we mostly posted them in the prior thread. Then people got sick of us obsessing over it. @EADoug captured some really nasty comments, that were very la-la like

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Keep talking “beyond a reasonable doubt” judge!


Anyone want to do an over/under of jury deliberation time?

I’m going under 6 hours.


I think 2 days


Under - 3 hours, I’m being optimistic!!!


Under 24 hours.


You know, when this case was originally in the news I thought that even if LK was a nightmare client, the simplest explanation was that MB had shot her in anger and that he would and should probably be found guilty.

At this point, after all the sordid details of LK/RG’s behavior and the lack of forensic evidence has come to light, I’m not at all sure that’s the case. Did he shoot the gun? Maybe, probably … but not definitely, as the only evidence we have supporting this is the word of two known liars who “coincidentally” shut off their camera showing the scene just prior to the shooting happening. And if he did … was it unprovoked? Again, who knows.

If I was on the jury I don’t think I’d be able to find him guilty.


I just hope the overwhelming commentary of the broader public is reflective of the jury’s position….

We’ve all been immersed in this for much longer with more information available to us….but the talking heads and other commentary have only had the trial information…and they still mostly share our opinion…