Barisone- New Thread

I found them! That HAS to be her…the way certain words are capitalized and written sound just like her.


I’m wondering how they do deliberations in NJ. Some judges make the jury stay there until they get a verdict. I’ve seen a verdict come in at like 1 a.m.-maybe even later. Vinnie Politan (CourtTV anchor/lawyer) says the prosecution should start to worry if deliberations go over 1 hour per day of trial because it means they could have a hung jury.


I feel EXACTLY the same way.

The camera is a VERY big deal to me. As are the phones Bilinkas focused on in closing, all the dog bites, and the incredibly inconsistent stories of LK and RG.

I still feel like I have no idea what happened at the house that day, other than LK getting shot, MB getting beaten up, and the dog going totally nuts.


I’m going to guess either really fast or very slow. Either they’ve already decided it’s ridiculous and he’s not guilty, or they are going to be yinging and yanging back and forth over all the conflicting information for days.


It’s nuts. Also… she found Joey on YouTube, and then fixated on Joey, and tracked her in comments for days. Even brought up the ex boyfriend.


So if the jury can’t come to a conclusion; it’s “hung,” right?

At what point do they give in that they’re not going to come to a cohesive conclusion?

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USEF/SS needs to know this.


Agreed. And I keep thinking if they can’t keep their story straight, what did happen that they are hiding?




Was this recently in her Bob Abooey personality (I’ve heard she has multiple)? Or something from further back?

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My guess is through today and a verdict by mid morning tomorrow. I’d be shocked if they have an answer today unless the judge requires them to go through the night…

There is A LOT of evidence to go through and the judge didn’t allow notes so the jury could ask to go back and review testimony if they need.


Honestly… I think LK doesn’t even clearly remember what happened. And she decided to just make stuff up and claim she remembers it happening that way because she wants MB convicted sooooo badly.

But that’s not ok.


Yes. If they say they are deadlocked, the judge usually gives the jury an Allen charge and tells them to try again. Here is a definition I copied from a legal website

Allen Charge refers to a set of instructions given to a jury when, after deliberation, it is unable to decide on a verdict. The purpose of the instruction is to encourage jurors to re-examine their opinions and attempt to reach a unanimous verdict if possible.

More details and an example here


I have trouble with the “you can accept some of the testimony” being stated by the judge.


Yup. As Bob Abooey.

When the live part is over, I will go find the particular Bob Abooey comment toward Joey that I saw over the weekend, that was just CLASSIC! Unless it’s disappeared now that Bob had gotten himself banned from the L&C channel on YouTube.


Do you think USEF is going to subpeona Youtube for their forensic data for comments on a YouTube chat log?


Oooooh good point/question!

Is Joey using her real name or an alias such as Karen or something?

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She is using her real name.


They’re not even going to get started until probably almost 3:00. They’ve been pretty consistently wrapping up each day by about 4:30.

Would they make the jury stay until all hours? They will have already been there for more than six hours by the time they get to deliberate.

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