Barisone- New Thread

And this is where we differ. I don’t think the State proved that. I think it’s just as likely the dog was the aggressor and everything that happened next was subsequent to Rosie attacking first. I don’t know what happened in what sequence and I should by this time.

And that is my problem with the State’s case. Not whether or not MB is/was insane, not whether or not LK tormented him, none of that actually matters to me. I’ve got a big huge vat of reasonable doubt regarding the shooting itself after watching and rewatching a whole lot of testimony.

You don’t. That’s cool. If you and I were on the jury, it would hang.


I wonder how likely this jury is to hang. That is a lot of men on the jury….at least a couple are very likely to dig in and refuse to change their minds….


That right there is the distinction. I firmly believe Rosie is a very poorly trained dog. Not a trained attack dog. That requires work to teach.


Force me to bet and I’m betting hung jury.


My gut thinks it’s going to hang.


One day ago on twitter.


My husband, who has been following closely, gave his opinion at dinner tonight. I asked what he thought a mostly male jury would think of this.

A few days ago he was pretty firm on “but you still can’t shoot someone”

After summations and hearing all the missing forensics and learning of the added lessor charges, he was frustrated. “How can you just charge with something else after the fact?!”

Then he interestingly made a comment along the lines of “I can see them voting not guilty of everything based on lack of forensics, that he’s been through enough dealing with this whole situation AND as a way to give the victim a consequence”

I found that last thought interesting.

Context: we are French Canadian and find the whole US legal / justice system frustrating and broken in a lot of ways.


Oh wow, so she is back on social media pretending to tell the truth again? That was quick.


Well, no one as important as those two have time to actually train a dog while riding 3-5 horses several times a week (not) and fighting with the farrier and threatening kids and bugging private spaces and writing violation letters and doing laundry and frolicking through the grass at night in a costume and just sitting on the stoop “reading” or maybe listening to illegal recordings.

Sigh, it’s exhausting!


LK using the words “factually not victimized” is amusing - just based on the fact that she testified that she lies on SM. The defense attorney did demonstrate some of that evidence.
And three of her own words suggest that she wanted to complete what she had started…

1. Finish
2. The
3. Bastard


Oh, and husband also thought it was sadly hilarious that the Jury came back an hour later to verify they weren’t being recorded.

So freaking fitting for this trial


If it hangs, I’m guessing we’ll hear Thursday, right in time for Easter weekend. If it hangs, I wonder if the prosecution doesn’t come back and offer a plea deal for NGI and some term for inpatient psych care……


I absolutely, positively cannot imagine that the prosecutor would want to go anywhere near a courtroom with this case again. He has so much egg on his face already you could make an omelette for 20 people.


Not if “she who shall not be named” is there…


Maybe the jury is afraid of her too.


Sad but true.

Maybe he also teaches elsewhere? Lol.


Well, plenty of Americans feel the same way about the justice system.


First thing that comes to mind is, you have a guy, maybe in a chokehold, on the ground on his belly, arm twisted behind his back, and someone else, say, grabs and picks his head up and slams it into the ground a few times.


He has bad judgment letting “she who shall not be named” into his barn. NOPE not attending his clinics.


Fascinating. Thanks for sharing a follow up on his perspective. I have found it really interesting to run this trial by my husband. Because he is an outsider, and unbiased. He’s used to living with me, and how I get emotionally sucked in to this that or the other thing. Haha. So… I often ask him to give me a sanity check or reality check when I get emotionally intense about something.

His follow up today on all this?

“Well babe… this whole thing is reason 999 we never ever ever want to have investment property and deal with renters of any kind, and never ever want to welcome any boarders on our farm. It always turns into a mess. People absolutely suck.”

His second reaction?

“That chick though… what is she going to say online after this trial? It’s sort of a shame she was banned from your forum, because I’m actually curious about what sort of crazy things she would have to say now. What a piece of work.”