Barisone- New Thread

Diminished capacity is a guilty verdict with a mitigating circumstance to give less prison time. It is not the same as NGI.


I went back over the weekend and reviewed some of the original thread, right after the shooting happened. And some of La-la’s very first posts on that thread. Literally, from the first or second day that she started posting on the forums, following leaving the hospital after her shooting. And she was asked about the allegations that she reported MB to CPS. And… she admitted back then that she spoke with SafeSport, when replying to another comment concerning this issue. And you sort of need to go back and read the post yourself, to decide what to think about it. I highlighted the portion of her original comment that jumped out to me, after just watching the trial…

I really wonder what she did say to SafeSport about him. It seems like it was about more than just neglect issues. Why did DCPP rush out to the farm so quickly? Really really really awful.


I feel the need to point out once again, LK swore under oath on the witness stand that she lies all the time on social media. So there’s that.

Also, I would sort of think that when CPS gets a call of any kind, they go right out there immediately anyway. I mean, if the situation is bad enough for anyone to report it, they probably feel the need to investigate it pretty promptly. I hope.


He lured her as a cash cow, didn’t want to train her so passed her off to staff. He said she grifted and didn’t pay for extra horses. Rob said he worked the amount to pay. No contracts. No invoices or statements of work performed. No permits pulled by the property owner.,Rob is not licensed so he would be working as a house employee not a contractor.

When things went south, MB started calling USEF and USDF plus MHG sent a report of unverified claims to SS. LK and RG called BI and the FM and SS.

MB never filed for eviction.

Stopped providing services to horses.

Just an escalating unprofessional and immature tit for tat that nearly got LK killed. These two were poison for each other but she didn’t shoot anyone, neither did RG.

The defense attorney, all of the mental health professionals, the state all agree that he shot her and shot at RG.

The judge is bending over backwards for MB. Allowing a NG along with NGI and also a lesser charge for diminished capacity? Once the defense attorney said not guilty by insanity and self defense, the defense admitted MB shot her twice and at RG once.


You’ve been around long enough to know this is a public forum…seriously!


I want whatever you’re smokin’ dude!


that’s not borne out by the facts shared in the trial


Sincere question for you.

Do you believe MB really has amnesia surrounding the events that immediately preceded and followed the shooting? Or do you think he is faking that?

If it was out of bullets, how did that bullet - which is the basis for the attempted murder charge wrt RG - hit the house and fly through several structures of the house?


Good question.

I think the prosecutor was trying to deflect Mr. B’s remarks about the same bullet possibly going through LK and then through the laundry room.

To me, it did not seem like he did a very good job of that. But we will see what the jury thinks.


I don’t think this really matters in the grand scheme of things. He was never obligated to testify in the first place…


She got “passed off to staff” because she wouldn’t/couldn’t GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!!

When you “sign on” to a outfit like Barisone Dressage or many many lesser famous barns they are not going to change their program to suit you—you either cut bait or get off the boat.

That started the whole problem—she thought they should be happy to have her however/whenever she appeared—turns out not so much!


The jury coming back to ask if they were being recorded: priceless. I guess they are concerned they could get put on a LK, Jk hitlist. I mean hey. She threatens everyone who has ever disagreed with her or called her out. It’s concerning.


Does anyone see the video of RG’s first day on the witness stand on the Law and Crime YouTube channel? I think it was day 4 with the white shirt.

I only seeing the next day with the purple shirt.

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I can understand where you are coming from, on both points.

But I just go back to the whole notion of how she did weaponize SafeSport against MB. It’s pretty ffffd up. I really think that should be considered and investigated. The weaponization of it led to an event (a visit by DCPP) that was a key event prior to a shooting.

If the weaponization of SafeSport is just considered de facto acceptable in this case? If they just let that go? Wow. That’s a HORRIBLE precedent. And a very very visible one.


Fair enough.

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I don’t think SS cares one iota. They have ignored official SS reports about her for years! Perhaps the USEF Board of Governors will take a hard look at her for all she’s done.


Thanks for standing up for posers like me! :smile:

My schoolmaster was FEI with good scores under two different riders. Then I come along and we barely broke 60% at 1st Level.


I think it is at the end of LK’s second day—she has on a maroon top.

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No idea. I’ve said before I believe the no memory for that part is possible.