Barisone- New Thread

Unless you know it’s true, I think recycling horrible accusations like that is disgusting.


OMG. Multiple people are saying this???

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I imagine some of it was hearsay (text conversations between two people about a third) and there may have been some issues about authenticating the sheer volume of the texts.

With Facebook posts, it was easy to authenticate LK as the author, and she proudly owned up to it. But with texts, we’ll that’s a little different. Sure, you can show which phone number sent/received the text, but it’s harder to prove who WROTE the text and if it was edited or not.

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Right. But the sheer volume of the SM posts outweigh any texts that would be excluded.

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Posted by @Sdel

Personally, if you were ask me to send a man to jail with no physical evidence that he ever shot the gun, and two/three witnesses that: don’t have the same story, was repeatedly caught in lies, showed intent to consider engaging in acts of fraud and was engaging in petty games of revenge….

Well, it’d be a cold day in hell….

Both defenses provided are affirmative, meaning MB admits to shooting the gun but is saying it was because of insanity and self defense.

Also, as far as I recall, MB’s attorney never claimed or introduced a theory that someone else shot the gun (likely because of the above defenses).

There’s no reasonable doubt about who committed the shooting, and there never has been as far as what MB and his attorney have provided as defenses and testimony. So the jury doesn’t have to consider who shot the gun only the circumstances under which MB fired it and whether those circumstances mitigate his actions.


Yes. Well, look. If MB took a plea deal, he ends up with a felony on his record and a saction from SS. His life and livelihood are over, even if all he got was time served. The only way he has a life and future is if he is declared not guilty. Guilty, and Plea Deal are the same result, no matter the length of sentence, and MB may well feel if is just crazy not to set things up for the possiblity of getting a Not Guilty. At least try, he feels. I can understand that.


Even with the affirmative defense of insanity, I think the state needs to establish beyond a reasonable doubt that MB shot her. I think the prosecution has proved its case.

Self defense is off the table.

I think the defense has to establish he did not know right from wrong, or understand the quality of his actions, in order to get a NGI verdict.

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Not guilty by reason of insanity and self defense. You can’t skip the second part.

So the jury’s choices are:
Not guilty (he didn’t do any of it, which is unlikely to be reached)
Not guilty due to self defense (he DID do it but he had a legally valid reason to do so)
Not guilty due to insanity (he DID do it but he was legally out of his gourd so put him in a facility, not a jail)
Guilty (he did it and there is no legally accepted reason for him to have done so.


Forgive me if that has been brought up, I’ve just been skimming the posts, but does anyone think that Blinkas may be using a jury analyst, and perhaps that information is informing his recommendations to MB?


I thought the judge removed this option?


Yes, I can skip the second part (self defense). That’s what the judge just ruled on.

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On Nancy Jaffers FB.

I saw one comment. The commenter said it was brought up in prior days as well.

He is not guilty. Just sayin!


What’s a jury analyst?

Thank you for clarifying!

And yes, self defense is off the table now. I was referring to when the pleas were originally provided to show that MB and his attorney never brought up any theory that someone other than MB shot someone.

This seems to come up again and again as an alternative story but I think we can put it to rest?

If they (MB and his attorney) we’re going to introduce the possibility that someone else did the shooting, wouldn’t it have affected the plea(s)? With the pleas used, could they introduce an alternate theory during the trial?


Thank you.

I include any attorney who thought working for E.F. Hutton was “cool” despite their habit of ripping off clients who could least afford to take the risks in the description.


Was MHG never supposed to move on from the situation? Is there a mandatory amount of time one must remain single before they enter another relationship? Do people in all situations maintain relationships?
Of course these questions are redundant as I don’t think their personal life is anyone’s business but their own.


surprised handlebars has nothing to say about that considering that type of behavior is his main area of study.

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Oh - ok. She clearly had a sterling reputation with no bizarre allegations attached to it before I repeated a public comment that was made about her (by someone using their own first and last name) on Nancy Jaffers FB… which the majority of COTH users are already very familiar with.

Repeating this one public allegation concerning LK? This is considered “disgusting” and out of bounds? After 2.5 years of Barisone threads?


They are paid to study the jury and their reactions to testimony. Here’s a site that gives a good overview:

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