Barisone- New Thread

Have you seen Runaway Jury? Theres some in that movie.

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As I recall, MB’s attorney tried multiple times to ask questions about if the beating could have happened before the shooting and was never allowed to ask. There was also the line of questioning in which an officer was asked if the bullet that hit the window could have been fired from the ground and if the bullet that damaged the window could have done so after going through LK.

I disagree with your assessment that it was built in that they admit MB just drove up and shot her. They admitted he brought the gun, but they were very much angling that it could have been shot after a prolonged fight in which RG strangled him, the dog attacked him, and both LK/RG beat him or in conjunction with some kind of general struggle.


I’ve only ever seen instances of jury consultants helping to pick jurors and hold mock trials to prepare .i’ve never heard of an atty having people analyse the jurors during the trial, but it seems intriguing. Is it allowed?

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Blinkas so cool and calm. If he were a horse I’d label him bombproof.


Okay, am I wrong? DIdn’t Siming (sorry spelling) say that MB told him he went and grabbed the gun to take down to the house with him for protection? Isn’t that self defense right there?


He’s been getting his peppermints and is super well conditioned :joy:


No, thats offence. Has to be sudden, and no way out to be able to defend yourself. Not picking up a gun, taking it with you.


True. But LK claimed the SM posts as hers. And also testified that she lies on social media. No need to get into forensic analysis about that when she agreed to it, even if she does want people to discount the truth of the posts.

On the texts, one example from this trial was from MHG. She specifically agreed the texts were between her and Michael (relating to his divorce settlement) and hadn’t been altered. I imagine though a lot of the texts boiled down to hearsay.

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Im not sure! That would be a cool job though.

The judge said that wasn’t to be considered “evidence” of what happened.

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He described her as “bright and creative.”

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I think much of what has gone on in these threads for 2.5 years is utterly disgusting.

What is the main reason LK is so reviled? Her nasty, disgusting SM posts?

So 20 huge threads are created to repeat ad nauseum the most disgusting statements possible about LK and her family? You really don’t see the hypocrisy?


Didn’t I say all along this case should have been as assault case?


Dear God, that makes me feel sick to my stomach. Another angle that I hope 48 Hours is able to investigate and work into its show if they find it to be true. And if so, were there any repercussions or did Daddy-O cover that up for her, too?


I googled “Michael Barisone trial” and we were on the first page, but not this thread (one of the old ones from Feb came up).

I think this thread’s title would have to include more “key words” to pop up.

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I don’t think it’s disallowed. Way back in the day, when I was doing an internship with the local prosecuting attorney’s office, one of the ways that attorney would use her interns was to have us specifically watch the jury for reactions and let her know if we thought she was losing them.

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Sure looks like it’s going that way.

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If you have to ask this I am scared for you.


LK has 19,000 social media posts, according to evidence presented at this trial. Many of which were public before this trial. Many of which were vile and profoundly abusive and defamatory.

Then, in the wake of the shooting, long threads were created on the forums discussing her. Threads in which she was a VERY ACTIVE participant.

Soooo… no… I’m not particularly concerned about issues of hypocrisy. It is what it is. An all out social media brawl. It’s not pretty. But… this is what happens when someone posts thousands of times on social media, and has an incredibly hostile style. That sort of thing boomerangs. Reaping and sowing and all that.