Barisone- New Thread

Any posts that were made were the result of a certain BANNED/SUSPENDED person’s posts or message that were made.

And trying to impune graciousness upon a poster who hissed venom all over COTH and everywhere else in their lives is not a tactic that will prove successful.

We all saw clearly who and what that person is.


There was one about LK being cut open like a trussed pig on that last thread that I thought was pretty reprehensible


For the last time, I’m not saying LK is a good person, she’s clearly not. But the vitriol thrown her way is also bad. Two things can be true at the same time


Really? Someone made a threat about her?

Or… was someone referencing her own description of her own surgical incisions? She called herself “Ms. Frankenstein” in her own testimony…

Also - she had full blown thoracic surgery. That involves a big incision.


No they were discussing her surgery, but it was still a gross way to talk about someone


Except that most if not all of the vitriol didn’t rise to her level of ick and would never have been posted had the initial icking not be done by HER

My Lord it’s like you’re enabling her by blaming everyone else for not silently putting up with an abuser!!

If you push, people push back. This is the way of the world and failure to recognize this seems to be a recurring issue with not only her.


Its from today’s charge conference.

Soooo… you feel the need to police the way other people comment about her surgery? Why? Frankly… she’s pretty expressive about her own surgery. Which is totally her right! It was extensive. She has major scars from it.

I’ve had massive surgery on my abdomen and chest. Got big old scars. I’ve been pretty expressive about it at times. In ways other people might consider gross or insensitive. But I actually totally related to LK talking about her own scars. Found it genuine.


During the 911 call RG threatens him to stop moving and says " you move again, I will break it. I will break you’re f’in arm."


You are aware that she actually threatened people on this forum, right? With lawsuits and loss of property? That she knew who they were and she’d have them in court and end up owning their farms?

And that she stalked, harrassed and mocked a women about her child’s death?

You think someone quoting her describing her surgery rises to the same level?


I didn’t say it went to the same level, just that the way she is talked about on here is kind of gross. Yes I’m aware people have reasons to have a bias against her and a strong dislike of her, and that she’s terrible, truly terrible. I can still believe that the way she is discussed here occasionally crosses a line


Hope that breeze felt good.

Anything that peddles backward that fast is bound to create a good breeze.


Well then, thoughts and prayers.


None, as far as I can tell.

No fingerprints, no DNA, no gunshot residue. No video from the missing camera. No third shell casing, or any bullets whatsoever. No search of the other two vehicles and trailer owned by RG at the scene. All courtesy of the local police department.

The testimony of the ear witness was not consistent with the testimony of the two eyewitnesses, whose testimony was not consistent with each other. Even after they had 2 1/2 years to work on it.

There is no physical evidence to prove the LK/RG version is more likely than the version involving a struggle with the gun.

To me, if you have two equally plausible versions, separated only by the word of two people who demonstrated under oath on the witness stand that they are drug users and liars, along with their stated intention to “ruin the life” of the other person, that’s reasonable doubt.


I believe Bob is Lk.
I wonder what kind of diagnosis-from-a-distance Dr Simring has made of LK.


I 10000% agree.

She admitted to being a liar. Like it was no biggie. She lied under oath. No biggie.

Society demands adherence to certain norms in order to continue. Lying is a big thing and why God chipped it into rock as thing not to do #9.


That was law enforcement who said that.




How does reasonable doubt play in here with these charges?

Yes like one of the shot guns.

I’m scared for Michael again after the charging hearing.

I truly believe he was scared to death (rightly or wrongly) and brought the gun to protect, not murder. I only hope the jury feels the same and can somehow judge fairly.