Barisone- New Thread

Well done.


And I think the root question we need to ask is, why is there no evidence proving their account?
As they collected the evidence they had no idea she would live or die, that MB might have been more grievously injured, or if he would have a story that conflicted with theirs.

If this had resulted in an actual murder, for example, or MB had died from his head trauma.
Or if MB came up with his side of the story.

The police not being thorough would be as negligent as it appears now for its inability to prove the course of events.


Gee, maybe reasonable doubt about whether the two grifters who are not only proven liars but also druggies were telling the truth about what happened?


No it absolutely was not. (Why would Heymer be talking on the cell phone with dispatch?)

He’s giving them a description of MB “His name is… White, 6’4”, he’s got a F’in… He’s moving!"
“You move again I will break it! I will break you’re F’in arm!”

After the broken arm comments RG reports " He’s moving! I gotta put the phone down!"

What then is heard is far away, but moaning, “Stop F’in moving!”
Groans and a thud and an “ugh” that seems likely to be MB.

is this when his arm actually gets broken?
Because it seems it has to be broken during this recorded call, per RG saying he will do it (not that he has).
And I’m assuming he did it before Heymer was there? Right?

But you don’t hear MB scream or shriek or respond how I expect someone to respond when their arm is broken. Is that because he’s in an altered mental state?
You also don’t hear LK doing much, certainly not beating him in the head with her phone. She early on seems to say “I’m dying” and says “I’ve been shot in the heart” repeatedly.
So all her testimony about going up the stairs, down the stairs, running in circles seems to be before the shots and the call.
And it seems maybe the beat down of MB started before this also.

Heymer shows up after the broken arm comment, he arrives with a high pitched, shrieking voice much different than RGs.

Officers first words on the 911 call can’t be discerned, but RG responds “This is the shooter right here! Right here!”

And then Heymer is heard “Get on the ground! If you F’in move I will F’in kill you!”. (edit to add the second expletive I left out).
Which Heymer, on the stand, agreed was him arriving.



I meant how does it play into the charges…like the options of guilty/insane etc.

Is there a not guilty - walk away free due to reasonable doubt?

No need for snark

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But will the jury remember or think this…. I have already forgotten what was testified, until a CoTH member brings it up. And I am a sworn MB Fan girl


I think it’s theoretically possible but unlikely. The entire jury could reject all of the states evidence but that seems pretty unlikely at this point


Quote because this post is 1000000% correct. Every person in court, including the prosecutor and judge agreed her SM posts are vial, threatening, abhorrent, and disgusting and she apparently has learned nothing. The Kanarak family must be so proud of their bright and creative daughter.


The amount of time he spent talking about himself? Yeah, that left an impression. What an arse.


It just occurred to me that the judge may be trying to protect the PD. IOW, if the jury returns a not guilty verdict and any of the jurors later indicate there was major skepticism about the lack of proper police procedures at the scene, it would open the door to a lot of community discussion about the competence of their PD and its leadership. And possibly also concerns about who oversees the PD (city council, whomever).


All what evidence? The word of LK and RG? And the lawyer on her dad‘s payroll? The lawyer who was not even there?


I think someone was describi g their own surgery.



If you talk about the victims in those terms, other posters get upset. And they might break their pearl necklaces, what with all the clutching!


LK bashing started while she was still in a coma.


Yes indeed. Find just 1 post of anyone threatening or “being mean” to sweet little Lauren. We’ll wait.


Maybe even bruise their bosoms. :upside_down_face:




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Doctor & EMTs both talked about multiple puncture wounds to the arm and groin area on MB. One EMT called them dog bites but the judge shut that down.

Pretty sure there is strong evidence that the dog attacked MB that wasn’t allowed by the judge.


Evidence of such?

Posters here?

Or are you just complaining about random SM meanies, not posters here?