Barisone- New Thread

I am not sure what you are responding to - I did not participate in a post of her surgery - or of her being shot -I was responding to the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and how she got here… ???
I do not think she should have been shot - not a good plan - but I honestly don’t know what post of mine you are referring to?

Well at least the true crime fans can get the LK Experience right up front in real time instead of having to come to COTH and look at old posts.


Bob Abooey • 1h ago
He admitted that he shot Lauren
twice intending to kill her, and shot
at Rob but missed. GSR was not an
issue. Even his atty conceded that
Barisone shot at them. Unfortunately
neither of his experts believed that
barisone rationally believed he was
physically threatened, so no
diminished capacity and no self
defense because Bilinkas failed to
put on admissible evidence of same.
Barisone told the police and medics
at the scene that his “life is over”
And that’s very very true. Bye bye

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I think the actual legal definition of insanity keeps getting missed by a lot of folks. People can be delusional, or having compulsions, or even hallucinations, and still be legally “sane”. I do believe his perception and paranoia were so off that I would consider him insane, but that is not how the law looks at it. Even Andrea Yates was found guilty her first time through, and she was a pretty textbook definition of insane by about every possible measure.

Having delusions doesn’t mean he didn’t know that shooting someone was wrong.

I’m a very “shades of grey” thinker, and definitely think LK/RG were culpable in the series of events leading up to the shooting. But other than possibly being a mitigating factor (which may come up at sentencing), that doesn’t really play a role in the court case.


Sorry was meant to be general reaction at the end of comments not a response to you. It was someone arguing we were being mean to LK that I was responding to.

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Hmm, I think Bob Abooey is delusional.


Hi all,

To clarify, screenshots from Dressage Hub were shared on the other COTH trial thread, and commentary about those posts ensued. A poster referenced the Dressage Hub comment about wishing MB had killed LK, and @eggbut said she could understand (thank you for providing the verb) why someone would wish this.

This entire exchange–screenshots and COTHers commentary–was removed from the other thread, so I can’t show it to anyone. I think its removal speaks to its content more than anything else.

Eggbutt asked for examples of social media posts that were “mean” to LK. I feel that wishing someone dead (or understanding someone who does) is more than “mean”, it’s very inappropriate.

If MB had killed LK, he would be in a much worse situation, and I can’t imagine wishing that on him considering how terrible his current situation is.

If not wishing someone dead makes me an apologist, I’m fine with that. I’ve never defended LK or her actions, and I’ve never wished for anything but the best for MB. I think it’s a horribly tragic situation for him.

I do believe that posting about and provoking LK encourages her and that she loves it. So the best way to “cancel” her out so to speak is to not talk about her and ignore her comments here and elsewhere. The trial has done an excellent job of showing her for what she is.

I hope you all have a good evening. I’m not looking to fight or argue, and I don’t want to give LK any more head space than I already have. She’s just not worth it.


Bob has been let off the leash and flying high.

Nice clear example of how Bob can take a thing that happened like court testimony and completely revise it until it has no relation to reality. It’s a standard Cluster B tactic as noted in other threads.


Why do I need to start a private chat? A lot of people on this thread are following these postings on the YouTube channel and interested in tracking them.

Maybe people who don’t want to see them should start a second Barisone discussion thread and note in the title that it is an “LK comment free discussion thread.” Then posters on the forums can decide which of the two public discussions they prefer to participate in :slight_smile:

For the record - even if we disagree on this, I’m still super fond of you, and hope you are doing well Skydy, and that you have a great weekend!




Ok. Thank you for clarifying… I don’t know why but I feel so stressed out and sad about this whole thing - I met MB once when he was training a top rider who was based at my friends farm in FL - I was a guest at the farm so I sat next to him with my morning coffee not knowing who he was and instantly liked him - he was kind and generous with his knowledge and this particular rider, and the owner of the farm, hold him in the highest regard. after his lesson I asked my friend, the owner, who that person was as I was so impressed - I had not witnessed a better lesson, and this particular farm has a lot of top trainers come and teach… it is a horrible, horrible thing that happened… my heart is braking for Michael Barisone -


‘I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.’

Clarence Darrow



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I’m interested in the aspect of Bob. It’s part of the story. Every new bit of information helps complete the picture. It’s a bit far along to complain about being disgusted. Those of us who are on these threads are here to see it all. Those who are truly disgusted left years ago.


Dang, this should be the defense’s exact closing argument, word for word! :clap::clap::clap:


This has crossed my mind, too.

It is the DUTY of the jury to “unhear” what the judge has barred. The jury can only consider the testimony and evidence that has been successfully submitted and accepted.
No one has testified that Barisone did not get the gun, load it and bring the gun to the house. No one has testified as to any alternate scenario than what LK, RG and ED described. Two shell casings were found. LK had two gunshot wounds.
The absence of evidence - DNA, GSR, video - does not matter. The jurors cannot speculate on what ifs, they can only weigh the testimony and evidence presented. RG and LK were not impeached, no evidence was presented contradicting their testimony.
The testimony of the three psychologist s are offsetting opinions.
The testimony of Dutton and Martin is more of a character defense: He was a nice guy, a good rider and I never saw him hurt anyone. Plus, jurors aren’t going to swoon over Olympic riders, they are just other rich guys who ride horses.
Barisone was in an awful situation, he was mentally ill (but not indane) He was enraged, he made a terrible decision to get a gun and use it.


I don’t see anything in the code that says that arming yourself in advance of a potential confrontation means you can’t later claim self defense. There are a lot of reasons why self defense may fail here when it comes to use of potentially deadly force in the case where there’s no plausible scenario that would make use of deadly force ok. But going to the house with the gun wouldn’t negate self defense in itself unless the only plausible scenario would classify MB as the initial aggressor.


Sherry Segreti • 6h ago
Not Guilty! He’s the victim! Hopefully
this judge is dismissed!

Bob Abooey • 5h ago (edited)
The troll patrol speaks!

Sherry Segreti • 1h ago
And also, Lauren and Rob should of
left the farm when asked! None of
this would have happened if they left
when asked! Lot of people would be
living and happy, but the 2 lying
idiots had to go further. Their lucky
there both alive until next victim!

Bob Abooey • 1h ago (edited)
@Sherry Segreti That’s not how
tenancies are ended when a dispute
exists between landlord and tenant.
“leave when asked” as you naïvely
suggest. Nor should they expect to
be shot at by their cheap threatening
landlord. You don’t know the law.
Now go pour yourself another
cocktail and put on Judge Jeanine.


First, no matter what you say or think, the jury will not unhear testimony. They can choose to ignore it, but they can’t unhear. Second, what qualifies you to say he wasn’t insane? Third, 50% or more preponderance of evidence. Fourth, you not I have any idea who the jurors are going to “swoon” over…maybe there will be the lone juror who does and results in a hung jury :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: