Barisone- New Thread

I scrolled through some of the YouTube comments. The vast majority of the people commenting are just people who like to watch trials. They had no idea (and some still don’t know) who Michael Barisone, Lauren Kanarek, etc are. And the vast majority of them think Michael should be found not guilty.


Who is this Bob character, and where did you read this? I think he didn’t watch the trial carefully because he has some facts wrong.

I don’t remember if I said this on a previous thread, but it reminds me a little bit of the scene at the end of the movie Terminator 2, when the bad terminator is thrashing around in the melted metal, and changing shape into the different forms he has used throughout the movie as he flails away in the giant frying pan.

If you’ve never seen the movie, that will make no sense whatsoever. But if you’ve seen the movie…


Did you notice he calls him Mike, like they’re close friends?


For me it is zero forensic evidence!!!


Or both.


From those who had a history with her prior to being in a coma?

Reputations follow people. Did you expect her past deeds not to have consequence?


“Dr Schlesinger might be a good teacher. But the jury is not composed of students. If the jury is composed of regular citizens, then this gentleman probably does not come off well, given his overweening self-importance.” Seen elsewhere.


I wasn’t aware of her stopping shoving. So there’s that.


Now those are posts I would like to see not enough to create an alias though. He has me blocked

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Perhaps Bob was told not to watch the testimony because Bob was a witness. Perhaps Bob cannot remember exactly what they said as a witness and had their phone confiscated for the duration of the trial. Or maybe Bob is just really confused about everything and celebrating a bit too much for their own good.

This is all on the trial YouTube live chat stream. We do not know who Bob is obviously.


yes: She Who Shall Not be Named… SWSNBN


Ok. This is the last time I will post and share “Bob Abooey’s” comments from Law & Crime. Scroll on by if you are over it.

But to me… this conversation stream is worth documenting on this thread, because pretty much confirms it’s LK. Bob makes ZERO denials when confronted. If it wasn’t her… Bob would have denied it.

This came from Law & Crimea Day 9 video of Dr. Schlesinger’s testimony

PsyDoc • 1d ago
I was really unimpressed with the
states expert witness, dr. Schlesinger.
I’ve only seen a couple of books
actually written by him in his current
instructor position resume…and I only
saw 4 articles. But saying I perceived
him as “less than humble,” - greater
than that was his complete
contradiction in testing. He stated that
a psychologist would only give an
“abbreviated” test in an area less
essential to a case. The MMPI could
not be MORE important to this case
and this defendant! By only giving 300
(or so) questions out if 500 is deleting
1/3 of the test! But…he gave HIS
version. His defensiveness really
popped out with the defense attorneys
questions. To me he was angry.
More disturbing, however, was the
anger and impatience of this judge. For
him to reprimand the defense attorney
and a defense witness - while letting
the state and its witness to ramble on
and on - makes him appear very bias in
my view.
Hard to watch -glad the testimony is

Bob Abooey • 1d ago
PsyDoc offering yet another ill-
conceived opinion, way off the mark.

PsyDoc • 1d ago
@BobAbooey nothing
conceived” in my observations. I’ve
watched all the trial and given it
thorough consideration.
Perhaps instead of attacking my
view, perhaps you can give an
intelligent observation of your own.

Bob Abooey • 23h ago
@PSyDoc We wouldn’t expect you
to have the insight or self-awareness
to understand why your observations
are ill conceived.But it’s OK “doc”.
YouTube is full of sovereign citizens,
and their analysis of reality is as
distorted as is yours.

Stacy Henry • 23h ago (edited)
@PsyDoc that is an account made
6 days ago I think at this point it is
safe to assume that mrs. Social
media that account that has been
stalking me ever since I agreed with
one of her victims that is on this
thread…Bob is Lauren or Rob. I
believe it’s probably the Lauren
because Rob acted as if he was very
perturbed by her childish behavior
when he was on the stand and he
strikes me as the type who would
make Daddy pay him overtime if he
had to defend her on YouTube

girl from south • 23h ago
@Bob Abooey Once again, making
trial watchers wonder if he is Lauren
or her dad.

Bob Abooey • 22h ago
@girl from south :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

girl from south • 22h ago (edited)
@Bob Abooey Those emojis remind
me of the way Lauren looked while
testifying. She gave off some
serious active addict vibes.


The “victim” is allowed to watch. Does that mean they did? I don’t know. I’m not sure how she could sit in the courtroom through the testimony of the two defense experts and not blow a gasket.

Much like her version(s) of the shooting, she may have her own version of the trial.


Blob seems to forget that LK testified to various nastiness in court in sworn testimony.

Blob seems like they are in severe need of mental help and are crying for attention and validation.

Blob clearly has poor cognitive ability.


If the judge has said the jury cannot consider self defense, how can possibly impeaching the testimony of LK, RG and ED matter?


What youtube stream is it? I thought they shut down the L&C youtube stream chat a few days ago. I wasn’t aware of any other place that was playing it with chat.


There’s that “we” again.

Edited to add that this is from a quote inside VHM’S post, not VHM herself.


Reasonable doubt. The State still had to prove the crime occurred the way the “victims” said it did. It’s the State’s burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Michael Barisone attempted to murder LK and RG.

The affirmative defense(s) only come into play if the jury finds that the State met that burden.

Since their testimony is the only proof the State has, I would say impeachingthem matters a great deal.


It’s in the comment sections under the replay videos. The Live chat was disabled on April 1.