Barisone- New Thread

IM is short for Inigo Montoya, a poster who popped up on a lot of threads regarding LK. And no other threads.

He always claimed to have all sorts of inside knowledge about the case, but it all sounded remarkably similar to LK’s views.

He seems to have stopped posting on the BB since the trial started, although he has still been reading the threads.

P. S. Welcome to the BB!! :slight_smile:


As we have said repeatedly on COTH other forums and platforms especially true crime are much more outspoken and blunt than COTH. Everyone watches a trial sees another twitchy addict lying and smirking and calls it like they see it. No pearl clutching.


I have never watched a whole trial before, so I have no basis for comparison. But when he seemed to be laughing at the poor teenaged working student on the witness stand the other day, that seemed pretty offensive to me.

I could understand why he needed to ask her a somewhat leading question for the purposes of the case. But he did not need to laugh at her when he did it.


Just noticed that our old friend the Maestro is comparing himself to MB and saying the only difference between their situations is that MB picked up a gun instead of writing a book.

Saying that the two experiences are even remotely similar to anyone who has paid any attention to what’s been going on in this trial is just mind-boggling.


I don’t know if that was answered, but yes, there is a not guilty option with every criminal trial.


I think you’re right that it was 2 rows. It is pretty spooky, not just for this trial.

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Where is LK boarding her 5 horses now?

Who is the Maestro?

Maestro is a guy who used to post here who had an overabundance of disgusting faults.


Regardless of how this trial ends, I’d say this statement goes for many, many people. Those two have left quite a collection of victims in their combined wake.

In that sense, this trial has served one purpose so far: a HUGE PSA to the horse world to avoid these two like the plague. It has now been irrefutably established under oath and in a court of law that

  • they are drug users [at the very least RG currently, maybe both]
  • they have multiple arrests on their records
  • they lie both on SM and under oath
  • they did IN FACT set out to ‘destroy’ [LK’s own words that she admitted to] MB and MHG meaning that is something they think of as normal and okay to do and will absolutely do it again
  • they did illegally record their trainer and all the staff, clients, and visitors where they were boarding
  • they will not behave or react as anyone would expect normal function people to [i.e., won’t leave a facility when asked]
  • they will lie to gov’t/quasi gov’t agencies [SS and CPS]
  • they will weaponise those agencies while lying
  • they will go after anyone to achieve their ends [minors included]
  • neither one has any job or any way they contribute to society [i.e., they are free all day long to amuse themselves making other people their targets]
  • they will do completely unhinged things like dress in black and sneak around someone else’s property at night to satisfy their obsession to eavesdrop and spy, things normal folks couldn’t even conceive of
  • they are vile and vicious in their online bullying of people like Girl Joey - like beyond all bounds of decency

And that’s just some of what we learned. We also know stuff not admitted, like threatening minors, searching for the whereabouts of a child, searching for exploding bullets, searching for CPS hotline numbers, following and filming people in public spaces and uploading the video to SM to mock them for their appearance, etc., etc. I’m sure we will learn much, much more with 48 Hours and other media coverage.

At the very least, decent people up and down the Eastern Seaboard - and beyond! - can be aware and forewarned and thus avoid any engagement at all.

No verdict will ever undo what we know about them now. No verdict will ever make any good and honest person want to deal with them. No verdict will ever mean that anyone will feel any safer being at a barn where they are, having the car unlocked around them, leaving their equipment unattended around them, or having their children around them.

So, this trial has at least resulted in a public service in putting all on notice, and that’s not nothing.


How is that being narcissistic?…I can’t wait to hear this one!


I must have missed that. I do notice he does smile and chuckle a bit, but I thought he was trying to be friendly or put the person at ease. Was he making fun of something they said? I honestly missed that. I’ve been watching most of it, but missed bits here and there.

Well, a Michigan jury today failed to convict the men who planned to kidnap the governor, despite fellow conspirators and undercover FBI testimony, so never be surprised by a jury’s decision.


Lol! That’s wild! Thank you for explaining things. Maybe Bob has taken IM place.

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The Eastern Seaboard?? The internet goes a lot further than that!

They might actually have to go to North Korea, as suggested by someone upthread. Or China. Or Russia. Or some other place that has their internet access blocked from the rest of the world.



It’s a general rule here that we do not speculate on the BB about anyone’s identity in real life. We just think quietly to ourselves on the subject. Lol.


I agree with you that MHG has been through hell. I don’t think my question was so off the mark considering what has been posted on here the last 3 years.
Everyone has the right to move on and find their own personal happiness and I hope she finds it. I was just asking a question.

I agree MB needs friends, absolutely! I just found it odd he was in a romantic relationship considering he may be in prison for the remainder if his life.

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There is never anything predictable when it comes to a jury. Therefore, I’m always surprised by the outcome. Sometimes it’s a good surprise, sometimes not, but trying to predict what 12 random people are going to do is pointless.


OH! Ok. Gotcha!

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Why doesn’t LK/Bob just write a tell-all book like the Maestro did? Clearly she’s got a lot to say, and lots of free time in which to get writing …