Barisone- New Thread

I think I’ve mentioned on previous threads how I unintentionally got myself out of jury duty a few years back.

As they were doing jury selection, I was asked if I would be able to find someone guilty based strictly on statements from witnesses with no corroborating evidence. I said no, because I know from experience that there are lots of people who are very good liars. I would want to see some physical evidence before I believe what anyone says.

So with that in mind, let’s think about the quote I posted above.

Do we have any physical evidence that definitively proves there was a third shot? No, since the police only found two shell casings, and no bullets at all. And the policeman who talked about bullet trajectory said that it would be possible for one of the bullets to go through LK and then go through the laundry room in the house. :thinking:

The ear witness who was on the phone at the time specifically said he only heard two shots. Not three shots. Only two shots. He said the phone went dead about 10 or 15 seconds after he heard those two shots.

But both LK and RG, in their sworn testimony, said that the three shots came close together. Direct quote from each of them: “Boom, boom… boom.” But if that’s the case, why did the ear witness lawyer only hear two shots? :thinking:

Then we come to the dog. Do we have any physical evidence that the dog could have been involved in the events of the day? Why, yes. Yes, we do.

The dog had bitten RC within the previous day or so, which included documentation for her medical treatment. The dog also bit the first policeman who was on the scene, according to his testimony and his police report, I believe. And there were multiple bite marks on MB when he was examined by the different medical personnel throughout the day. And RG himself swore under oath on the stand that the dog even bit him that day.

So does that provide us with an independently confirmed reason why someone might have wanted to bring a way to defend themselves against the dog that day? Why, yes. Yes, it does. :thinking:

(And yet again I say: Poor Rosie.)

Finally, do we have any physical evidence that MB fired the gun the day? Or that nobody else there fired the gun that day?

Why, no. No, we do not. Unfortunately, the police did not test anyone at all for gunshot residue, and did not check the weapon for fingerprints or DNA.

I could go on and on (and on and on and on and on and on and on), and I have not even gotten to all the conflicting testimony between LK and RG. Suffice it to say that they both seemed unable to even remember their stories from the previous day’s testimony, so one might wonder how they could credibly claim to remember events from 2 1/2 years ago.

But do we have any physical evidence to verify the LK/RG version of events that day? Or any physical evidence to verify who had the gun in hand when the bullets went in LK?

Why, no. No, we do not. :thinking:


Doesn’t she still ride? Why are they calling her a “former” dressage athlete?

Her being a “former rider” works for A LOT of people I’ll wager.


I’m confused here.

LK: posts something so disgusting and vile it shocks the conscience

Decent people: Good God, that was disgusting and vile.

How is the second thing disgusting and vile? It is a reaction to something disgusting and vile and an acknowledgement that it was, in fact, disgusting and vile. It is not, itself, disgusting and vile.

Unless you are one of those people who consider the calling out of disgusting and vile behaviour to be disgusting and vile, a point of view that protects people who exhibit disgusting and vile behaviour and allows them to plough through life being disgusting and vile with no repercussions or accountability.

If so, I find that disgusting and vile.


I think you’re wrong. LK isn’t reviled for her social media posts; she’s reviled for her behaviour in real life. She seems to have a long and sordid history of harassing and bullying people in a bid to ruin their lives. Multiple people.


THIS^^ A thousand times, this!!


You are my hero! BRAVO!


Now, if ONLY the defense attorney will bring out ALL these points as well as whatever they want to say about MB’s state of mind, his fear, his diminished capacity, etc. He needs to bring up both angles, so if the jury doesn’t quite believe the insanity part, they can look at the other points that you mentioned (no physical evidence plus conflicting evidence). If ONLY he will do that!


Brilliantly stated! Let’s hope Mr B is as eloquent as you in pointing out all the inadequacies and inconsistencies.


Well, thanks.

Again I will say that if anyone here knows Mr. B, he is more than welcome to use any or all of it if he likes.

Although somehow I doubt he needs any help from me. Lol.


Exactly. I’ll bet most of us know a person who is a social media drama llama, but is generally an ok enough person in real life.

Unlike that person, LK has not only stirred up drama on social media, but she’s also committed crimes, been in violent altercations (prior to the MB situation), harassed and threatened people via text message, illegally planted recording devices in her horse trainer’s office, come right out and said that she wanted to ruin people, etc etc … it goes far beyond the social media.


Actually he did try to do this, but the Police refused to help him.


Now she’s apparently an Olympic Bronze Medalist. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Well good luck to her and anyone that supports her… She will not be accepted by decent people. Especially successful dressage riders. but then again she and her crowd are not interested in good decent people - only think of them as prey… be careful all of you in FL…


All these points are great and it shows terrible police investigation. But why isn’t the defense bringing any of this up in court?
No video, no 3rd bullet, no residue testing of LK or RG… I’m confused as to why this isn’t a huge part of the trial.



I’m picturing a book that is 19,000 pages long, full of emojis, cutesy phrases like “oops!” and a lot of RANDOM USE OF ALL CAPS.


Because it didn’t happen - The PD didn’t do any of this - they flat out said MB is guilty and proceeded accordingly - you need to catch up and read the posts and look at the trial videos - Bilinkis tries to bring it up and he is shot down by the judge repeatedly… I personally don’t think MB is getting a fair trail - I am not a lawyer and have been called a moron and idiot on this BB by IM - which by the way: TOLD YOU SO!


OneBellBoot I DO do this work, and I agree with you about the lack of validity on the “tests” used by Schlesinger. Also agree with all your other observations.


Hoo boy. That was… something. The following subheader was interesting.

  • Kanarek says Barisone shot her after inflicting a lengthy campaign of bullying, and claims to have survived her chest injury

I like how they said she claims to have survived her chest injury. Of those two statements, it seems like they were dubious about the wrong one. And we won’t even mention the fact that the article describes her as an Olympic bronze medalist. Those are some pretty questionable journalistic standards there.

I will say that I think Charlotte Dujardin is probably a superhero in that country, so maybe they figured any story with a dressage rider in it would sell more papers. But still. It would not have taken too much fact checking about the Olympic medal.