Barisone- New Thread

Schlesinger suggested that money problems were why MB didn’t kick LK to the curb.

But I’m sorry, what was she paying? Really not even market value for just one of the items/services she was getting (board, training, rent).


Well, RG was doing about 20% of the tile work in the basement on the days he felt like showing up, according to the young horse rider’s testimony.

So there’s that.


OMG I read that book! Very disturbing.

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After reading this article from the Daily Mail, I now know that I can not trust anything I read from the paper/news - WOW ! So off mark - Shame on you Daily Mail .


I think the Daily Mail is pretty famous for being inaccurate. It might be the British version of the National Enquirer.

But the Olympic medal is pretty darn easy to check. That’s really inexcusable.


Sign me up! I will board my horse and ride with MB for $2,500 a month! And will clean stalls and sweep aisle and groom and clean tack for that price!


one of my Brit friends calls it the ‘daily fail’

“Boyfirend put Girlfriend through the meat grinder, Daily Mail interviewed the meatloaf”


PS they have as much shame as 45



I just watched Court TV’s interview with Mr. B. He talked about how long he has known Dr. Simring sp? and how the State has used him as well. The CT people said based on the comments they have on website people did not like how the State’s Dr. kept talking about himself.



I noticed the comments on the LK article had been turned off. I have a feeling the comments on that publication’s website are probably usually pretty salty, so it must have been quite bad for them to lock it down.


I’m back to reading the comments on Law & Crime’s YouTube video. I’m now looking at the feedback on day 3 - 5 of the trial. And… it’s brutal.

Whoever has said that we are mean on these forums CLEARLY isn’t tracking any of the stuff being said in the YouTube comments.


Did someone do a recap of today’s charge session? The L&C yt kept breaking up for me throughout this trial.
I was confused about the State wanting to offer reduced charge option for jury. Is this becaue they think jurors will hesitate on the 1st degree attemped murder charge and they stll want a win? The defense doesn’t want this option? Self defense is off the table? Is this summary correct?


Yes, you got it. The prosecution and judge want a lesser charge, Mr B and Michael do not. Judge said he would decide over the weekend.

And yes, self-defense is out.

One of the things that we all kind of glossed over was when the judge was explaining his ruling on self defense, he basically said (I’m paraphrasing) that Mr B didn’t get to use his impeachment of LK and RG to speculate on an alternate scenario. You would need either Michael or another eye witness to imminent harm. It’s the way he told Mr B so matter-of-fact that Mr B had impeached the testimony of the victims that catches me. It’s is why he wants a lesser charge. He knows those two are lying, but no one can prove it so he wants to give the jury an out in case they feel like they gotta convict him on something.

Personally I’m holding out hope the jury sees the same thing and just says Not Guilty. (That whole reasonable doubt creeping in).


Hahahaha! This is really something.

First, note that she used to screech ‘we were never served with eviction’ and now she has to screech ‘we were never served with court-filed evection’. The backpedaling must be murder on the hamstrings.

Second, fancy her calling anyone ‘privileged and entitled’. Hoo boy, the irony is lost on this one.

Finally, she is running to the judge to show him YouTube comments now? Lord, this woman runs to the mods here, to her daddy all the time, to the judge now. 41 years old and she cannot stand on her own two feet even in a YouTube comment section. Wow. All I hear when I read this is my young kids pouting, “I’m telling!!” Thank goodness now that they are older than 10 I don’t have to hear that anymore.

Imagine Judge Taylor having to deal with her showing him totally nothing comments from YouTube. If she thinks this judge - and every judge ever - hasn’t heard more than once that they should resign, she’s…well, bright is not the adjective that comes to mind. :rofl: Judges hear a lot worse and it just comes with the job.

What does she think happens when someone is critical of a judge on YouTube? That they are in contempt of court? :rofl: Again, not the brightest bulb in the circuit, is she?

Shout out to @Knights_Mom who at least taught her something about jurisdiction since she directly asks if the big mean commenter is in NJ. :rofl:

Her pathetic flailing about and threatening would be laughable if she hadn’t done what she did to MB and every decent person on his farm.


Thank you!

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Interesting! Good analysis


And in all of these discussions/negotiations, no one seems to be interested in trying to determine the truth. I know there is no actual way of finding the truth with the two witnesses that they have, but at least they could act like they actually care about the truth.

All I get from this is that they (and here I’m talking about the judge and the prosecution) want to be on the winning side, nothing to do with the truth or justice.


Actually she uses a couple of my phrasings.